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Everything posted by Slug

  1. Go? When the wife and kids go on a family vacation, you go too. If you don't you're the jerk. EDIT: Fixed!
  2. Yeah I'd be on board. Design it so that each search has to be associated with a potential sale. Don't respond with details, just a pass/fail. I'd be all on board with that. Involve the FFLs for the check, but have those non retail checks be fee free rather than just giving everyone access which would lead to abuse.
  3. From what I've been able to tell it's mostly a southern phenomenon. I only have Virginia and New Jersey as a personal frame of reference, but we don't spend nearly the same amount of money on the sports stadiums alone that the more southern states do. I think it's a matter of the community impact. In many areas, and I've seen this in Texas, the high school sports scene is a community event. People who do not go or do not have kids at their local school still support and root for the school as if it was "their" team. There's a pride in the local team that doesn't seem to really get ingrained in other communities. The spending can be justified because the games actually raise funds for the program, the school, and other sports. Whereas up here unless it's a championship game or something nobody cares. Nobody who isn't a student or a parent of a student involved with the team is going to go to any high school sports game or be able to tell you anything about them. Hell, nobody here could tell you the result of a game without looking it up, while I'd wager your high schools probably get relatively extensive local paper and TV news coverage. It's just something that southern, and particularly Texan, communities care more about. For a frame of reference last year my town approved a nearly $36M bond for school improvements. And while a good chunk of that money went toward converting the high school football field from grass to turf, installing new stadium lights, and the creation of a facility for our wrestlers, it also paid for all day public pre-school, establishment of a new high school magnet program, some security improvements, and demo costs for an old elementary school that needed to be taken down. And it barely passed. If someone tried to propose $40M+ for just a football stadium they'd be laughed right out of their seat on the township committee.
  4. I'm like this. I personally wouldn't go on a Hawaii vacation unless I felt obligated. I'm not a beach person. I don't like being in the sun. My family does a beach resort vacation every year or two and I have to go along so as not to disappoint people. So I feel for you. The way I get through it is to view it as an opportunity for relaxation time. No stress, no work. Just serenity. I usually bring a few books, a portable game player (DS, Switch, etc). and put my feet up and get through a backlog of reading and gaming that I can't at home due to time restraints or responsibilities. On resort, while the family is at the pool or on the beach, I'm enjoying quiet, uninterrupted reading and gaming time in a hammock with a cold adult beverage while being left alone. This year we went to Cancun and in one week I made it through Sharp Ends, Smoke & Mirrors, and most of Final Fantasy IX. It was great. Sure, occasionally you'll be asked to do some enforced family fun thing, but for the most part if you make it clear that you like to use vacations to relax and decompress you can probably enjoy quite a bit of indoor or shaded "leave me be" time.
  5. "which would expand background checks to nearly all firearm sales" is the only line that bothers me. It makes it seem like that's not the case already.
  6. Slug

    GenCon 2019

    Era: Medieval Age was a pretty cool city builder. Terror Below was a neat idea; it's a Tremors kind of theme, with giant worm monsters underground. If you move across the board too fast they can feel the vibrations and come up to eat you. Bargain Quest is super fun, and I actually bought it after a demo I was so impressed. It's a standard fantasy knights and dragons kind of theme, but instead of the hero you play as a shop owner who is trying to entice adventurers into your store to purchase weapons and armors and such. You make money and earn points both by selling equipment to the adventurers and how well they do on their quests using what you sold them. Send them out with sub-par gear and they may get killed and there goes your chance at repeat business. But maybe there's a particular adventurer that doesn't really have much money so you don't want them to come back... Cyberpunk 2077 had a presence, but I didn't get to play. It's an Eric Lang designed game though, and he has a good track record so it's probably worth a look. I love abstract strategy games and Bosk nails it. This is a game where each player represents a type of tree. The game takes place over the course of one year in a national park, with players scoring for both how well they plan their tree growth in the forest as well as how much ground their trees cover when autumn arrives and the leaves fall. It's an abstract strategy game that changes from spot placement to territory control mid-game and it pulls it off very well. I saw and played a lot more but these are the ones that immediately stand out in my mind.
  7. Slug

    GenCon 2019

    Back from Indy! Great week! The D&D Room: Bosk: Tentacle monster..thing: Lanterns: Anyone need a Watchdog? Star Trek: Demon: Construction progress on Cardhalla on Day 1: This party is gonna be off the chizzo for rizzo: WWI Planes versus alien tri-pods? Sure! I'm sure they're thinking up some very wholesome ideas in there...
  8. I'm strangely more excited for the back catalog than the new album. To finally be able to get a legitimate digital copy of Ænima makes me happy.
  9. Nobody, unfortunately. Targeted fat loss or "spot reduction" is a myth. Work toward reducing your overall body fat and your genetics will decide when it wants to use the cells from your belly. That's it. May be first, may be last. But there isn't really anything you can do to intentionally reduce the fat in a specific part of your body.
  10. Had a good time playing Splendor with the family yesterday. I also took the opportunity to introduce my Dad, who taught me how to play Chess as a kid, to Onitama: He liked it enough to order his own copy after a few games. :P
  11. Sorry. I couldn't leave a troll, unintentional though it may be, in a non troll level.
  12. Fuuuuck I'm gonna have to delete and re-upload the level again. That was definitely not intended to be a troll moment. I just didn't consider people coming out of the "yay you won!" room would follow it.
  13. Oh shit I never thought of that honestly. I never imagined the arrows would be interpreted like that by someone coming out of the post-boss pipe. See, there's a hidden little bonus in the first area where you can find a cape. The spike wall at the end was put in to prevent people from skipping the second half of the level by just flying to the goal. The arrows were a warning for cheesers to turn before they hit the wall. Damn...
  14. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated! Yeah the second part can be tough to make it through quickly without taking a hit. You have to hit the right timing on the blades. As far as the canon and bullet bill, yeah I knew the boss can be pulled. They're really just there to add urgency if someone rushes into the boss room. What misdirection did you find? There shouldn't be any so I may have screwed something up.
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