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Everything posted by Slug

  1. I play tennis 3x a week. Best social distance sport. I'm never anywhere near my opponent (in either distance or score; I'm awful at the game but I love playing).
  2. Yeah, we were all, "Did you guys even think this through or were you just trying to come up with any "plan" at all because there was a deadline to submit a plan?"
  3. It makes me wish UBI and some minimum of socialized Internet-for-All were things.
  4. Our school district put out a schedule for the school year with alternating weeks of 2-3 days. Week 1 "A" students will go Mon/Wed/Fri and "B" Students will go Tue/Thur. The next week B goes MWF and A goes TT and so on, with some schedule jankiness thrown in for holidays. They got a ton of blowback from the parents and then sent out an e-mail with a survey about online learning so they can 'gauge interest, but no promises'.
  5. At the risk of sounding like a complete ass (and maybe playing a little devil's advocate here since I am in favor of distance learning wherever possible during all this), but what is different in your mind between teachers and any other "essential worker"? Underpaid, possibly elderly, indoors with the general public all day, etc. workers should be asked to take a chance at death or illness if it's for our dry-cleaning, groceries, beer, car repair, convenience stores, fast-food, delivery, and so on, but not teachers? Why not? Why, in this regard, are they more deserving of consideration over say, Steve in the electronics department? Have any of these teachers you know gone shopping in the last few months? How do they justify the workers being there for them?
  6. I like the solution-minded thinking you've got going on, but I don't think it's that easy. We're talking about people already living paycheck to paycheck. I agree.
  7. From a purely food-safety standpoint there is nothing in mustard that spoils so you don't have to. But the flavor maintains longer if you refrigerate it, so you should.
  8. Other than, "hopefully find new jobs that let them work from home", I'm not sure what parents in those situations are supposed to have done to prepare.
  9. I don't disagree. I guess that's why I'm saying it should be optional. Distance learning is preferred and they should get as many kids as possible on a remote program both for their own safety and to keep as few people in the buildings as possible for the kids that don't have a choice. But for those families that don't have the resources to keep their kids home..I just don't think there is a realistic solution for that. At least not right now and not by the beginning of the school year. The folks with two jobs. The single parent that has to work. The families in rural areas without reliable internet access. What are they supposed to do with their school-aged children? PK-5. Hell, even the older kids that can take care of themselves home alone. When the schools closed this year a lot of kids in my son's class (high school) just sort of dropped off the face of the educational map. 3 months with not a single assignment turned in. No communication with the teachers or their classmates. Done. There needs to be some sort of, as safe as is logistically possible, in-person option so these kids don't get lost.
  10. Yes, but parents should have the option to send their kid in for whatever precautionary in-person plan their school has come up with or to keep their kid home for an approved distance learning program. Some families don't have the resources to keep their kids home and for them there needs to be an in-person option. For those families that do have the money, care and employment conditions that are conducive to distance learning, they should have the option without risking their child being penalized for not attending live school.
  11. I hope there's more. That's a little anticlimactic. I was hoping for something huge so we could blow it all up and possibly get the rest of the ownership group to push Snyder out.
  12. Tomatoes, squash, jalapenos, and...cantaloupe? Some melon..I forget which. It will be a fun surprise when it finally shows itself.
  13. Event catalog: https://www.gencon.com/event_finder
  14. Yeah, but if they hit on one that guy has he at least has a chance. He's been doing it for years and making and selling merch. Even though it's obvious he's speculating/squatting, at least he could argue he has standing. The Twitter realtor guy registered all those names last week. He might get something from the team as a courtesy but he's not looking at any potential big payday; he'd lose the trademark in court. Best he can hope for is a few bucks, maybe some season tickets, and some "lol look what I did bro" conversation at dinner.
  15. A lot of NA's are bummed about the loss of the logo and the imagery. For them it was less about keeping the name (even though they wanted that too) and more about further erasing them from American culture. They were hoping that even if the name had to go a more "acceptable" but related name could've been chosen so that that NA imagery could have been kept.
  16. Also existing fans will snap up as much Redskins gear as they can now to get it before it goes away. Win-win for them.
  17. One has nothing to do with the other, but I understand why'd you would assume that. I recognize that my fandom for the team immediately suggests a bias on the name issue, and while I could assure you that isn't the case I know that nothing I could say would convince you. So I'll just say I've had many conversations on the matter and that there are a great many people in the affected community that not only themselves support the name, but find the movement to have it changed itself racist even if it comes from a good place and leave it at that.
  18. OK. I know folks' sentiment on the issue. My experience is different, so I disagree. It's all good. I know I'm in the minority on the issue on this one. No worries.
  19. Voted no. It's rare. Dessert at the restaurant usually only happens on special occasion dinners, like birthdays or anniversaries and what not.
  20. We can turn it on and off and adjust it? In that case taste. You'd be able to enjoy a bacon cheeseburger like nobody's business.
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