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Everything posted by ShreddieMercury

  1. I had no idea this was happening, and David Bruckner is a talented filmmaker. But I won't get my hopes up because 99% of the remakes and legacy sequels/reboots I've seen have been abysmal. Also gotta lol at the "twitter reactions" for every movie that comes out now. "I honestly can't believe that Ant Man got BIG and also SMALL! Fans and non-fans will have NO CHOICE but to BLAST IN THEIR PANTS and be FOREVER TRANSFORMED by this MASTERPIECE".
  2. I was tempted to put this in the retro FPS thread, but I'm glad that it received a thread of its own. Prodeus is fantastic, and in my mind sits alongside Dusk as the best of this throwback FPS movement. The gameplay is tight, and the aesthetic of the game is really amazing. The way they've modernized the retro graphics really works and does a lot to elevate this game. It also has some of the most well conceived level design in any FPS from my perspective. The levels strike a perfect balance between being complex and rewarding exploration, but never confusing or difficult to navigate and move forward. There is also a sort of Nintendo-esque approach where the levels are high-concept and usually explore a certain mechanic or challenge the player in specific ways. The music is unfortunately a miss for me. The metal stuff is just growing very thin at this point. It felt novel in the Doom and Wolfenstein reboots that kicked off this trend, but at this point I feel like I've played dozens of these games that all have this kind of indistinguishable, muddy doom rock. And as much as I love the levels, I do sometimes wish the secrets were just optional and not incentivized. Because ore is the currency, I feel like I spend most of my time searching for secrets compulsively rather than just playing and enjoying myself. But that's just a personal thing and it's not really the game's fault. All in all, one of my favorites this year, and I hope it continues to do well because it certainly seems to have struck a chord based on the reception so far.
  3. A little late to this, but I agree with the general consensus that Prey is a phenomenal game. Easily one of the best from last gen, along with Dishonored 2. @best3444 If you aren't tired of the game once you finish it, I also highly recommend the Mooncrash DLC. It's incredible and the only rogue-like game I've really enjoyed. It's brilliantly designed, and it doubles down on all of the strengths of the main game.
  4. I'd be interested in hearing feedback about the single player mode if anybody here gets it. Splatoon 2 was worth it for the Octo expansion, which was phenomenal. But I just can't muster up the energy or enthusiasm to play online focused competitive games at this point.
  5. I've been looking and cannot find any information about if it's possible to play the "hardcore" mode that was introduced in the GOTY edition of RDR. When I played the original, the absurd lack of difficulty really tarnished the experience for me. There was an updated difficulty mode titled "hardcore" in the re-release that supposedly corrected this issue. I know you can play RDR in 4k on Xbox S/X, but does anybody have either a digital or physical copy of the GOTY edition that they can confirm has this mode? I cannot figure out if this is a possibility, because from what I can tell, only the original edition is available digitally. And, if you buy a physical copy of the GOTY edition, I'm assuming that it just pulls the digital license for whatever Xbox has available. I've been wanting to play the game again, but it's probably not worth it unless there is at least some sort of challenge.
  6. The damage boost works for all weapons, so it depends, but generally I've been using the pistols or the grenade launcher depending on the enemy. The low level grunts are one hit from the shotgun regardless (and only 4 or 5 from the pistol I think), so you don't need to worry about them as much in terms of planning perfect dodges. For the riot shield dudes, I will try to get a perfect dodge/reflex and then use both grenade shots which should take them out. Same thing with the rocket launcher guys. Snipers will also go down with one hit from the grenade launcher even without the reflex boost. It's sort of a dance to try and figure out who you should take out and when. Generally, my strategy has been to learn the level and where the combo tokens are first. Then I'll go through and clean up the easy challenges. After I've done most everything in the level, then I'll try and beat it and then replay it until I get both high score challenges. My one complaint so far is that the challenges in general are pretty generic and don't expand your knowledge of/force you to experiment with the level in the same way that something like THPS does. It really is a high score/flow game more than something that provides unique challenges based on the level design. The stages are really well laid out in regard to combat, but it's not super interesting to do a certain trick or grind or collect all the tokens in the level since it's so obvious and easy.
  7. I agree, the second set of levels where you get the grenade launcher is where the game starts to truly shine I think. I thought the same about the sniper shots at first, but then I realized that when you execute a perfect dodge (when the laser beam goes white), and then immediately go into slow motion ("reflex time" or something similar), the screen turns blue and you get a fairly large damage boost with your weapons. Utilizing the sniper shots to eliminate certain enemies faster then becomes a really valuable element of your tool set, and they are essential to keeping your combo meter up if you're going for the score challenges.
  8. Where is Wolfenstein III?? I've been waiting years for an announcement. I think New Colossus is enhanced on Series X, so I think I'll pick that up and play it again given the current sale.
  9. You bet I did. And it's phenomenal. It's an extremely tight, fun, and challenging genre hybrid that has the all-encompassing and uncompromising style of a Dreamcast game, and it's probably the most immediate and fun game I've played in 2022. I do think the comparison to Doom Eternal makes sense, mostly for the fact that the whole game is really about prioritizing targets and getting into a flow of refilling ammo and health after downing enemies. What sets it apart though is the focus on high scores and the way that the combo meter works. Every enemy you eliminate adds a level to your combo meter, which then starts draining until you take out the next one. It drains slowly enough that it incentivizes wanting to keep it up as much as possible. The game's mechanics are superb out of the gate, but once I started thinking about how to maximize my combo through tricks, shooting, and clever movement around the arena, it took on a whole other dimension. I was initially worried about the auto aiming, but it's very well done and in the context of everything else that you have to contend with, it's a smart design choice. I also think that the difficulty is pitched perfectly. It's very challenging at first, but once you learn what the game wants you to do, it becomes exhilarating to manage the level effectively. Props to the fantastic soundtrack as well. This is the type of immediate, arcade-style, easy to pickup but challenging to master game that they quite literally don't make anymore. I feel quite fortunate that this game exists in 2022.
  10. Didn't see a thread about this, but it looks phenomenal and comes out tomorrow! It will retail at $30, but I believe it's $20 on Steam for a limited time, as well as on PS if you're a PS+ member. Developed by Roll7 (OlliOlli games). Single player (!!!) arena rollerskating shooter. Looks like Tony Hawk + Jet Set Radio + Quake. GOTY?
  11. I agree that the live action stuff is very awkward, but I actually didn't mind having a bit of reasoning for the races, and the scenes are really short. I'm curious what you'd consider better gameplay wise than this - what other racing games do you like more?
  12. I'll preface this with saying that I've almost exclusively been playing racing games for the past few months. Ever since my wife and I had a baby in November, my game time has been limited and I've stuck with stuff that I can hop into and out of very quickly. Racing games fit this bill perfectly. I've gotten really into the genre, and primarily focused on arcade racing games that are immediately satisfying and fun (the piss poor state of modern racing probably is threadworthy by itself). It's been a blast to master the mechanics of older stuff like Sega Rally, Daytona USA, Hydro Thunder, Virtua Racing, etc. Most of these games strike a perfect balance between accessibility and depth and have been incredibly satisfying to learn and play. But I've started to recently also dip into modern racers. That brings me to Grid Legends, which was boneheadedly released at the same time as Elden Ring. Understandably, it's been fairly forgotten from what I can tell, but it is not deserving of having to struggle in the shadow of bigger releases. This is a phenomenal racing game in almost every respect. On the negative side It has a very cheesy FMV story mode directly ripped from Drive to Survive (still enjoyable though), and the main menu seems to have been EA-ified, though thankfully there do not seem to be any MTX. This is primarily a single player focused, non open-world, sublime racing game that puts almost anything else in the genre in recent years to shame from my perspective. It is arcade focused, but you can tune it to be realistic in very fun ways if that's what you fancy. Playing from the cockpit view, the racing itself is exhilarating, and the handling is about as perfect for this type of thing as I think you could get. The AI system is fantastic - the races are rough and tumble, and certain actions during races will make other drivers your "nemesis", which then affects how they race against you. I have never played a Grid game before, so maybe they're all this good and I'm just out of the loop. But if you like racing games, and miss the days when pure, adrenaline filled fun was the priority for the genre, you would do well to check this game out. From my perspective it's been very critically underrated, and unfortunately released at about the worst time I could think of.
  13. I've been almost exclusively playing my Dreamcast and having a total blast. I can squeeze in a few rounds of Soul Calibur or Virtua Tennis and feel satisfied in a way that I'm not with longer, denser games.
  14. My wife and I just had a baby girl last November. So far my gaming time has certainly decreased, but it actually makes me more diligent about what I'm playing and when. And it helps that I'm really not interested in most new games, so I'm satisfied playing a lot of older and more arcade oriented stuff that I can jump into quickly, and that tend to be much shorter. I will usually play in the evening when she falls asleep. My wife and I also rotate the bedtime routine, so I get some time on my "off" nights. Even if I didn't have a baby, I can't imagine playing shitty live service games that are designed to waste your time anyway. The only game I'm looking forward to this year is Bomb Rush Cyberfunk.
  15. Really fantastic humble bundle that includes lots of games mentioned here: Best of Boomer Shooters Bundle WWW.HUMBLEBUNDLE.COM Get retro FPS games like DUSK and AMID EVIL. Plus, pay what you want & support charity!
  16. You actually don't even have to do any soldering. I bought a used Xbox last year, removed the capacitor and replaced the thermal paste. Working on consoles can be scary at first, but some of these older machines are generally much easier to take apart. For the Xbox, you really only have to unscrew the top, unplug the power supply and disc drive, and then unscrew the trays that they lay in. You can then use some needle nose pliers and just twist off the clock capacitor without much force at all. There are plenty of videos online outlining the process, but this one seems to be pretty straightforward and is exactly what I did to mine: Of course you should call your local game shops to see if they'd do it for you if you prefer that, but if they won't, I promise it's not too hard of a project and it's pretty fun to work on the console.
  17. Good timing finding this thread. I'm trying to find a mechanical keyboard as well, as I've been using a mushy lenovo that came with my computer. It'll mostly be for work and some light gaming. The world of mechanical keyboards is pretty deep and confusing, and I think I'm burning myself out with research. Is there a simple keyboard on the cheaper side with good build quality? I don't really care about RGB or customization or macros or anything. I just want to improve my typing experience, and a I need a number pad. I was looking at the Logitech K845, which seems very reasonably priced at $60. Any other similar recommendations?
  18. A good friend of mine gifted me his old workstation PC, and I've used it to replace my old work laptop. It's not a gaming computer, but from what I can tell, the installed NVIDIA Quadro P4000 is no slouch when it comes to games. For the most part I've only worked on a Mac so that I can also utilize Logic for music making, but I now find myself with the possibility of tapping into the endless PC gaming space. To be clear, I'm not particularly interested in newer games, or trying to push visuals (which this GFX card won't really allow anyway). I have a Series X that I can use to play 4K stuff, so I'm mostly interested in the older or less demanding things that I've missed out on since only gaming on consoles. I really love retro FPS games, and can now play most of the stuff listed in the "retro FPS" thread - speaking of which, @Commissar SFLUFAN, do you have favorite games in this genre from the recent crop? I was looking at Ultrakill, HROT, and Post Void. I already bought Return to Castle Wolfenstein (which has a cool overhaul mod called RealRTCW). So, I'd love for people to dump any older/unique/early access stuff that's entirely unique to PC here if they have suggestions!
  19. I've given myself enough time with this game that I can safely say, recency bias aside, this is one of the best FPS games ever made. I played a bit of it on my Mac a couple years ago, but the Switch port and it's perfect gyro controls are what helped me finally get to grips with how the game is supposed to play, and appreciate how brilliant it is in almost every respect. Switch + Pro Controller Gyro = one of the best FPS experiences of the past several generations, and likely ever. Anybody that likes this genre, please play this game.
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