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Everything posted by fuckle85

  1. Reality show idea: Like Kitchen Nightmares meets Survivor. Features Anita Sarkeesian visiting and renovating toxic game studios.
  2. The twist is they all have to be someone who sexually abused a women or child once. Who are your picks?
  3. This is some Alex Jones shit, but it actually sparked a bit of thought for me. Could there be some truth to it regarding what Trump's game is? So clearly Trump's behavior is the personification of a mountain of flaming dumpsters and anyone who sympathizes with him or votes for him based on what he says, and the policies he seems to want to enact, and pretty much everything he stands for, is a shitty person. Even IF they are a nice enough person aside from being a Trump supporter, not voting for someone who represents ideas that harm the quality of life of innocent people should be the easiest ethical test you can think of. Should a candidate running for the presidency of a nation that is founded on providing freedom for citizens, a candidate who conducts themselves like a raging dictator be supported? Seems like the answer to this is pretty easy, but guess not everyone is on the same page. In the end, if you vote for someone like that, you've failed one of the easiest morality tests you could take, and your political opinions are now void. But as time goes by, what if things get a bit more complicated? Look, I'll just say it - I'm a troll sometimes. I LOVE going into twitch streams and asking questions to the hosts that manipulate them into saying funny things that derail their broadcasts. Unlike Trump, I actually end up having a positive effect on the streams though and tend to make the vibe more fun. Point is, I know how trolling works, even though I'd like to think I'm trolling on the side of good. Trump is a master troll. But instead of trolling with a heart, he clearly does it to benefit himself and those in his circle. He's a narcissist, but he's also a very skilled manipulator who knows his audience very well. So here's my theory: A lot of the radical policies Trump campaigns on have yet to come to complete fruition. His wall funding has been cut, for example (last I checked). He has to know that a lot of the things he wants to do will be slapped down. How much of what he says he's going to do is something he really planed on enacting? Should we still treat this seriously? Absolutely. But what if he suddenly decides to be a good president? Recently there are headlines about him trying to decriminalize homosexuality, for example. What if within a year he decriminalizes weed and some other drugs, enacts laws that make bigotry illegal, revamps the hiring process and culture of policing, etc. He's already pretty much imploded the GOP. For the most part, nobody who isn't a full-on white supremacist or an old white conservative religious fundamentalist can take the republican party seriously ever again. In addition to that, what if his endgame is to finally denounce social conservatives/far right and enact progressive policies? How will/should the world react to that? Essentially wouldn't it be a play that could contribute to normalizing his behavior? Like, if a guy walked into your house and took a massive bile dump on your floor - shitting, pissing and vomiting everywhere. But then he not only cleaned up his mess, but cleaned your entire house until it looked better than ever and payed your bills for several months. What should the reaction to that person be? What effect does the political equivalent have on society? A president who says the most repugnant shit imaginable but ends up governing in a way that contradicts all of it. Sounds like a Trump play to me. It could be ultimately destructive to anyone who's not smart enough to see through it because the message it sends is that you should be able to say any shitty thing you want free of consequence as long as your overt actions aren't as bad. It could potentially set things back for future generations and cause a lot of society to regress and have the wrong debates. Is it possible this is a play that Trump is considering?
  4. Awards shows have always been cringe, we're just more aware of it now.
  5. Some of the reviews are really tearing into this. Is it better to go in expecting more of a video game experience than a meaningful film?
  6. That actually looks really good, better than the other remake that was out there a year or two ago. You can still do some tinkering and get it to download again, actually. At least that was true last I checked a couple months ago. But this version is still good to have since it almost certainly won't be re-downloadable on PS5.
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