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Everything posted by Rodimus

  1. Not going to happen. Micrsoft would kill Nintendo in a partnership. Microsoft has a track record of destroying their partner and being able to survive the crash leaving the other company holding the bag and at times then getting bought by Microsoft when they are that vulnerable.
  2. It is crazy that he tried to not answer the question if he was blackface or KK. He said that anotehr time he was blackface so he couldn't be sure if this was also him in blackface. Telling people that you dressed in blackface another time doesn't help. He must really not want to say he is in the KKK outfit. What are the Las Vegas odds he resigns in a week?
  3. This doesn't seem like a big deal to me. I know logistacally speaking they have a lot of work to make this happen. When I was in Boy Scouts. I went to a couple of workd Jamborees and even a Scotish National Jamboree and the reset of the world it is just scouts of (Insert Country) They are all a part of the international brotherhood of scouts. I would say about 40% in attendence of these world jamborees are women. They do them every four years with different host countries like the olympics. So my first was in Korea and second was in Holland.
  4. Her shelves are amazing and well organized. It would be like calling a library cluttered. @CastlevaniaNut18 tell mt more about the new crt?
  5. I'm not saying I won't buy a PS5 at launch. I'm saying even before I see any games I would buy a PS5 at launch. I bought a PS2 at launch. I bought a PS3 in December the year of the launch. I bougth a PSP at launch. I bought a PS4 at launch. I didn't buy a PS1 until 1997 and a Vita until 2014.
  6. Sony filed a patent for Backwards Compatibility. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=https://www.hobbyconsolas.com/noticias/sony-patenta-nuevo-sistema-retrocompatibilidad-ps5-ps4-ps3-ps2-psx-367727&prev=search Mark Cerny is the Author of the patent. If this becomes a real thing then no question day one purchase for me of the PS5 regardless of launch games.
  7. I hope the new online services is being able to mesage your friends and schedule time to play together. I think the joycons are already small enough. I would hoping for a Switch XL with a bigger display and battery. I would be happy if the form factor was the same but bigger screen smaller bezzel. Why not 4k?
  8. I remeber playing this on the orignal PlayStatoin. I even remember playing it through my mac with its video inputs. Yeah I could capture video. It was cool. I used it as a second display. So I was playing it while a friend was playing a different single player game on the N64 on my TV. There was some lag but still I could get through it. Then I later played it on my mac via emulator.
  9. This is a touching commercial. It is great that Microsoft is getting out there with this device. Thankfully I don't have a need for this. Microsoft is continuing to repair their reputation.
  10. I hope you are right about that. I would love an Outbreak game on PS4. I did play the original Outbreak back then. I bought a USB keyboard and the network adaptor just for the game. Funny enough I rented the game.
  11. Well I finally began to start to preorder a Supergun. I will be able to play Rumble Fish on my Atomswave. The same friend that gave me the Atomswaive is also going to give me an MVS. So the person that makes these was selling them through another message board. but they just created a website to request a preoder. Here is the site. https://homearcadesystem.wordpress.com/pre-order/
  12. Man if the PS5 was BC to PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 that would confirm my day one purchase. Games are ok. MGS4 is great for those with PS3s and haven't played it yet. I have never played Hitman so I might give that a shot. I couldn't see cancelling my PS+ because I take advantage of the discounts and I have like 6 years of free games on my systems.
  13. I liked it ok. I really liked the look. The Compain or swapping of players was ok. I hated when the guy that I gave the shotgun to started unloading on crows flying around. I also didn't care to have a room full of shiny things and I had to find the right shiny thing to pickup that I needed. I think I started a game on the PS4. I will get back to it some day.
  14. I also would rather have a remake of RE:CV but I think RE3 makes sense if they piggy back off RE2 remake. There is a lot of possible overlap and shorter game.
  15. I had fun playing Cannon Spike on the Dreamcast a wek ago at PAX South. Anyone have the DCEMU mod to replace the optical drive with either a USB port or SD card slot?
  16. I have my doubts but I also think Microsoft is going to abandon this game in one week after it is out.
  17. People are activly developing games for the NES and other consoles. Also you can play leagally obtained roms and fan translations. Also hacks and unreleased games. It is convient and is less wear and tear on the console pulling the cartiges in and out.
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