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Everything posted by PaladinSolo

  1. Nope, NZ's gun laws are more comparable to the US than most of Europe/Australia, all they had was high capacity magazine bans.
  2. Ran a GM1 tyrant mines got 4 MWs, ran GM2 Tyrant Mines got 3 MWs, also took more than twice as long, its not enough.
  3. From what i've read it just increased the spawn of predator animals, and i guess it ended yesterday, cause i logged in to see what it was and found nothing, spent an hour and didn't even get a MW. Edit: Ok, it basically just created a world event where brutes and ursix would spawn, and each event was identical to the rest, as well as increased spawn rates of wolven, scorpions, ect..
  4. lol, i didn't even know the event was going on and now its over? Also it was literally just kill 100 predators and the reward was 1000 coins, wow, I'm close to just uninstalling the game and not even bothering to hop on every few days like i've been.
  5. EA forcing the frostbite engine on everything is probably Biowares biggest problem, it was never meant for anything other than FPS games.
  6. His base doesn't explain all of their votes, look at a Gardner, hes absolutely going down in 2020 and he just voted with Trump in a state where every statewide race went to a dem in 2018, and Trump is -15 approval.
  7. Right, but the donations are bribes anyways. I mean these schools aren't filled with rich kids cause they're all super smart.
  8. All i took out of this was there are only so many buildings you can buy a college so just outright paying to get your kid in seems like the logical next step, or that slightly less rich people can't afford buildings.
  9. I think i'm done with this, and i'm not sure they'll ever get this fixed, the biggest problem i'm running into is that the loot is basically the same through out the game except for the item level, each weapon has 3 types, slow but hits hard, medium fire rate with medium damage, or fast and lower damage, then as masterwork they add a special effect and thats it, and often times its just another stat no real special effect or anything, legendary is the same but with higher base stats and nothing else. Borderlands 2 was great cause of legendary weapons that did crazy shit, like a shotgun that hit the target and exploded outward with more fragments doing massive damage, or a rocket launcher that launched giant orbs that carpet bombed explosions as it traveled. Nevermind the crappy drop rate causing an unending grind of random content and limited stronghold missions that vary wildly in difficulty so everyone is mostly just running tyrant mines over and over. What compounds this is the lack of skill/talents to boost what items you have gotten, which makes the drop rates and RNG of the loot even more painful.
  10. He lived an otherwise blameless life, i'm sure he'll be fine...
  11. The drop rate is supposed to be slightly higher, but the difficulty scale makes more sense to just blow through enemies on GM1. My first GM2 i got a legendary and a couple MWs, but the couple after that were just as you said so i went back to GM1. Its also not really fun putting an entire 400 round mag in an enemy and them not being dead yet, then they just look in your direction and you have to hide behind a rock.
  12. That's some serious wishful thinking, especially the part where the budget will balance in 15 years and we'll only run 1 trillion dollar deficits for four years, lol.
  13. Just got temple of scar doing the quick play for strongholds, no idea why anyone would willingly subject themselves to that place on GM2, not doing that shit again, lol. Its selectable now on strongholds at least.
  14. Well then something is wrong with my game, its checked as completed and i can't select it from the strong hold list. I had a similar issue with tyrant mines before but i was able to track it from the journal and it showed up on the map, this time i can't even do that.
  15. Yeah, this part is definitely right, everything is just a little too random so you're forced to just go with quantity, in borderlands if i wanted a Volcano i farmed the warrior, its stats were also fairly consistent across each variation with its major draw being its special effect which was a larger AOE on grouped enemies, in Anthem if i want a legendary autocannon i just have to kill shit over and over anywhere and hope i get one, and then the stats are so wildly random you're likely to get one thats pretty worthless.
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