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Everything posted by PaladinSolo

  1. Why do local meteorologists suck balls? My local guys always say its going to be colder than it is, or predict more snow than whats going to happen to the point where i ignore them completely and rely on the weather channel app.
  2. I have the religious right to allow my child to spread a potentially lethal virus to all!
  3. That seems really stupid, no one is killing the bosses to get more MWs, almost everyone i get is scrapped anymore... As it is they should remove blue items from the loot, and add a auto scrap for everything below masterwork, the whole way they did the loot is garbage.
  4. Played for about an hour this morning, half of it legendary contracts, where i got squat, and the other half in freeplay GM2, got a legendary after about 20 minutes, and a lot of the MW/Legendary effects are better, like instead of Titans Hail triggering combos over the regular burst motar, each hit triggers a large explosion or their own combos now, the flamethrower now procs on hits instead of kills which was basically impossible before on the harder difficulties. The forge is now instant and accessible from anywhere in the city from the escape menu, and instantly loads after missions which is really nice. Overall though there still isn't a whole lot to do and i felt no reason to do legendary missions, which are beefed up story missions including cutscenes and all as they apparently don't guarantee legendaries and are just a band aid to the fact there isn't much to do.
  5. Patch hit today, health bug was fixed and apparently some inscriptions weren't loading at times causing you to have massive fluctuations in health/shields lol. Almost every masterwork/legendary was made more useful or better, and drop rates of legendary boss enemies increased along with wolrd event chests and adding legendaries to stronghold bosses. Haven't tried yet but will give it a play later.
  6. Morning Consult poll from yesterday and today, approval/disapproval -13 or holding steady basically, plurality understand mueller didn't make a determination on obstruction. Its scary how many in the GOP believe it says he didn't obstruct. https://morningconsult.com/2019/03/26/trumps-popularity-unchanged-after-completion-of-mueller-probe/
  7. Just remember the Mueller report isn't going to have any impact on the election, cause Trump is going to do what he does best for the next year and a half, lol.
  8. So? It's not a strategy that's helped him, and the Russia investigation polled consistently as an issue voters were least concerned with. Trump shutting down the government, tax cuts, and Healthcare are far more important on people's minds and lives.
  9. This will have 0 impact on the 2020 election, Trump has had a majority disapprove of him months before the special counsel even started. It slices both ways with him, bad news fades just as fast as good news cause hes retarded.
  10. Their members aren't really democratic voters anymore, and union membership is sinking.
  11. Anthem had $100 million in digital sales, only 3.5 million of it is microtransactions, so a lot of people bought the game digitally, but not many are buying any of the in game stuff with money. Compare that to Apex's 93 million in digital sales. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2019/03/22/what-to-make-of-anthems-surprise-100-million-in-digital-revenue/#75eea6a84329
  12. Trump is taking the deficit to new heights, hit 234 billion dollars last month, outpacing any month during the recession. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/the-government-ran-a-544-billion-deficit-over-the-first-5-months-of-the-fiscal-year/2019/03/22/932d3438-4cc8-11e9-9663-00ac73f49662_story.html?utm_term=.b87a67698ef8 The government spent $234 billion more than it brought in through tax receipts last month, much more than the deficit levels hit even during the global financial crisis. In the first five months of the fiscal year, the government has spent $544 billion more than it brought in through tax receipts, Treasury said Friday. The $544 billion deficit is up 39 percent from the same period one year ago. For February, the government spent $401 billion and brought in $167 billion in revenue. Tax numbers are traditionally weak in February because many Americans seek tax refunds, but February’s tax receipts were lower than the government received in 2016.
  13. Baby come back! https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/north-korea-pulls-out-of-liaison-office-with-the-south-in-blow-to-warming-ties/2019/03/22/89a0b5ee-4c81-11e9-93d0-64dbcf38ba41_story.html?utm_term=.0decf93165fd North Korea abruptly pulled out from a liaison office with South Korea near the border on Friday, another apparent sign of hardening positions following the no-deal summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Trump last month. North Korean staff members at the office left on “instructions from the superior authority,” according to South Korea’s Unification Ministry — an apparent reference to Kim.
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