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Everything posted by PaladinSolo

  1. Cops "You should own guns for your safety cause it takes time to get to you" Also cops "He had a gun so we were scared and had to defend ourselves!"
  2. Various news groups are to blame for this shit, people bombarded with stories about crime all the time make people believe at any moment society is going to devolve into utter chaos and take all their shit, and i hear people like this all the time in rural NY, one lady i worked with was describing going to one of our walmarts in the small city area near us like she was in the movie blackhawk down, and it was really cause she saw poorer people, and minorities, she of course survived the ordeal no problem.
  3. The weird part is they seem to actually be trying with these coolers, only to completely destroy their efforts through not making a decent mating surface. Its not like i was overclocking or doing anything CPU intensive as games seem to barely tap into it, and i chose the R9 7900 because of its low power and heat only to see crazy numbers like that was a bit disappointing.
  4. Or at least do some quality control on them, cause I was getting temp spikes just browsing and opening programs, like mid 60s, so the fans would roar to life and I suspect this has something to do with it. I don't understand how they don't spend a few pennies more and make sure their mating surface doesn't have giant canyons on it, this is what was left after wiping it flat. Did some searching and I guess this is an old issue and not some one off defect that I ended up with. Here is a pic right after I removed the cooler from the CPU. Now it never throttled as I never saw it go above 81 degrees but with a scythe Mugen 5 in it I haven't really seen temps above 60.
  5. On the contrary, this is exactly why he will lose, they're so stupid they don't want to be bothered by politics, he makes them have to hear about it all the time.
  6. Sadly like most people i didn't even get a long weekend, zombie jesus just isn't as powerful as baby jesus.
  7. Like the rank and file GOP voters will vote for him again, everyone else though, nah, sleepy joe has made politics boring again, the way people like it.
  8. Weather today is supposed to be wild, climbing to almost 70 then dropping into the 20s tonight, thunderstorms already this morning supposed to clear and become sunny for a few hours then get slammed with storms again as the temps start dropping like a stone.
  9. I don't think anyone is saying Disney is in any way a hero of the left or any of that shit, its just the right is so bonkers and far off that even when doing a thing that should happen they're going about it in such a bad way that Disney fucking them over in any way is just funny. Like they shouldn't have control over their own special district, but at the same time a bunch of far right stooges shouldn't be appointed with the goal of fucking Disney over simply because they didn't agree with a policy from the government.
  10. Rick Scott calling for the death penalty for school shooters cause the penalty is obviously not high enough for people that usually die anyways.
  11. Everything is up to day, installed all manually so not running armor crate or whatever that shit is called, it could be adrenaline bugging things out since i've had that not load up a few times, but it only seems to affect just the desktop icons, windows file explorer and settings screens all work fine.
  12. Finally got it after upgrading due to their arbitrary requirement of some boot protection but after trying an upgrade without having to upgrade and that being a shit show, did a clean install and still surprised how buggy 11 still is, most common issue i have to restart explorer a couple times a day because the desktop becomes unresponsive randomly, and its like 50/50 after coming out of sleep.
  13. The ironic part would be that strategy being more likely to lead to WW3 as things coming out of Russia were straight bonkers like re-establishing the Russian/Soviet empire, with their military getting depleted by just handing Ukraine some artillery and AA systems that dream is dead.
  14. While you're dramatically overestimating the number of civilians killed under Obama, its irrelevant as its really only a war crime if you're deliberately targeting civilians with no targets of value or advantage are present, otherwise civilian casualties are a part of war. Its why Bush's lies starting the Iraq war are way more detestable.
  15. Obama's drone stuff was bad but i wouldn't call it illegal it was an active warzone, even if it was stupid to continue it. This is another area Trump made so much worse as he removed restrictions from airstrikes in the ROE and civilian casualties went through the roof, but again not illegal.
  16. Its pretty wild that 4 of the last 5 GOP presidents all did some wildly illegal shit, Watergate, Iran-Contra, the Iraq war, and then Trump's numerous dealings and the only one to be indicted will be Trump and for the dumbest reason of all, paying off a hooker.
  17. A big problem is school support staff are now often paid less than those jobs, like aides, cleaners, maintenance staff, with the only ones paid better are transportation staff and thats only because of almost emergency pay raises being passed in recent years cause you're not getting someone with a CDL for less than 20 an hour even with benefits anymore.
  18. They're getting close in a lot of places if they're working 40 hours, we had a dunkin that was hiring at 19, granted teachers here are starting in the mid 50s probably even 60s now here though, been a few years since i've looked at their contract.
  19. Like this is all good an all, but when people turn it on and they're getting less than half the frames they were they're going to turn it off.
  20. Its more that techniques to make shadows look realistic have gotten really good so ray tracing just isn't super noticeable other than the massive frame hit you take, like sure stop and stare at some bolls with a candle you'll notice it but when you're running around actually playing the game it adds almost nothing, but a performance loss. At some point it'll be a non-issue because everything will have it once performance stuff is smoothed out since it just easier on devs.
  21. Basically just "Look we're not so bad, now totally don't look into all the other drugs we're drastically overcharging all of you for!"
  22. FTFY, the only people that use this word is conservatives other than someone explaining to them what the word actually means.
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