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XxEvil AshxX

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Everything posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. Looks like you're playing both at the same time.. That would be pretty crazy if shit exists in one world and not the other and you have to react to it. i.e. fight an enemy in reality while avoiding a pit that exists in the "upside down".
  2. And lose Games with Gold. If Game Pass becomes the new Xbox Live Gold, then GwG is redundant. You'll lose access to either if your membership lapses anyway. They're not making any new 360 titles back compat so the GwG offerings have been meh for a while. I dont think i would miss them.
  3. Indeed. They have the talent, and some good IP to work with. MS needs that graphical showcase title, though, and it needs to be something other than Halo. I'm hoping for an official Fable announcement, and I really hope it looks amazing.
  4. The Last of Us 2 could've been nothing more than a fingerless Ellie Guitar Hero simulator and it still would've sold a bajillion copies. As far as the "Get Woke, Go Broke" philosophy goes, my take on it is that the reason these things fail is because they put "getting woke" above all else, including the things that make a movie actually good. A decent example would be the latest Charlie's Angels movie. The series has always been about "girl power." It literally didn't need to be changed. (Also yes sexuality played a big part of it but they owned it and used it to their advantage). it should've been an easy win, but they were so worried about their message that they forgot to make a good movie (or sign actresses that people actually gave a shit about). The Last of Us 2, regardless of how you feel about the characters or story, still looks like was a good game. I can't comment on it much because even though I know the spoilers, I never had much interest in it. It looked like a constant downer of a game and it just didn't appeal to me. It was a struggle for me to even get through the first one.
  5. I just started playing this as well and it's pretty awesome. A huge question though... I read in a review a while back that there are story elements and side quests that you can completely miss if you're just focusing on the main story... so I've been scouring for all the collectibles and checking every hall/doorway I come across, and haven't really found anything yet. Granted I'm still fairly early in the game (just started the mission after lifting the lockdown) so I feel like I'm just now really opening up the map. How "hidden" are these side quests? Or will I find them naturally as long as I'm just exploring and not making a beeline from objective to objective? I'm expecting stuff like "after getting level X security clearance, go back to the very first area and open a previously locked door and use X power on something something to get access to an area that lets you gain this ability to overcome this obstacle" or some bullshit like that.
  6. Microsoft.. you really better bring it. Seriously. I have a sinking feeling that 80% of the games they show will be smaller/cartoony looking titles like Grounded. Halo Infinite and Hellblade 2 better be absolutely jaw-dropping, because if they aren't.....
  7. It's both.. What I find hilarious is that MS knows Sony is waiting for them to announce their price before they show their own hand.. meanwhile MS is over there like
  8. They literally did a video about a controller. C'mon Microsoft. Keep holding out on that price and release date, I wanna see what else Sony is gonna pull out of their ass to bide the time. Maybe a five minute video talking about the boot-up screen?
  9. I'm thinking the Series X will be $500, which would make the One X redundant. It probably costs too much to manufacture to really drop the price down low enough to be comparable. i.e. put that manufacturing money into the Series X instead.
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