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XxEvil AshxX

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Everything posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. Seeing as how most of the 2D Mario games since have built upon and improved the formula from Mario 3, I can see how that could be the case. Back in the day, though, that game was da shit.
  2. Do yourself a favor and just play Enclave on easy. It's fun as hell when you don't have to worry about getting your ass kicked.
  3. Okay, you know what, I actually thought of one: I had the original on NES but I sold it off before I beat it. I've started it multiple times over the years but always only play an hour or so then go on to something else. Since I have it on the NES Classic and in the Switch Online library, I'm out of excuses. I'll probably play through it on the classic because that joycon d-pad is atrocious for this and my controller d-pad is fidgety as shit. The grid-based movement in this game does not lend itself well to analog sticks, either. I seem to get the best responsiveness out of the NES Classic's old-school controller.
  4. To be fair, i doubt i could ever play it through again. But this was back in the day when those graphics were top notch and that was literally the only new game i'd have for months.
  5. Ouch. I think the most I paid for a cartridge game was $75 for Street Fighter II Turbo. As much as we bitch and moan about games prices nowadays, we have more spending freedom than we ever have. Back then we were at the mercy of whatever markup the department stores decided to slap on us.
  6. That was the very first turn-based rpg I ever played. Before that, the closest I ever got to rpg's was Legend of Zelda. But it looked too good to ignore so I decided to give it a ($70) shot. I was hooked on rpg's after that. Magicite is still my favorite FF magic system.
  7. It looks cool and I don't really want to hate on this.. but... it looks like a Skyrim mod. This game NEEDS a third person view. I want to actually see my monster getting bigger and stronger.
  8. I have plenty of classic games in my backlog but most of my consoles have apparently crapped out in the 20 years since I've turned them on
  9. Take this however you will, but Todd Howard did say a while back that they were waiting for technology to reach a certain point and that it still had a way to go before they could do TESVI the way they wanted. Besides, love it or hate it, they're still printing money with Skyrim and TES Online.
  10. I played a little bit of Operencia yesterday and enjoyed what i played of it. If you like grid-based dungeon rpg's like Legend of Grimrock you should check it out. The voice acting is surprisingly good.
  11. Yep, that's Borderlands. Man, that trailer was trying really hard to be cool. Nice to see shitty fist-bump explosion emotes still exist on the edge of the galaxy I liked Borderlands 1 & 2 but man, that looked so much like... more Borderlands. And I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing nowadays. The looter shooter landscape has changed quite a bit in the past seven years or so since the last one came out. If this is going to take a "live service" approach, I hope they at least look at what Ubisoft is doing with their games and take some pointers.
  12. In all honesty, if you gave me two billion bucks for my game, you could change my name in the credits/wherever to Tiny McDickless for all I care.
  13. I'm sure he's crying into his billion dollars. Edit: TWO billion dollars.
  14. I might be in a small boat on this, but I'd be down for another action RPG Divinty. The first half of Eco Draconis was actually pretty fun. But then you turn into a dragon and the whole thing goes to shit.
  15. I get that everybody has their fetishes, but if every single one of those games does something for you, you need help, like, yesterday.
  16. Looks like Wolfenstein! I don't mind female protagonists (I actually prefer them most of the time), but as far as stereotypical female-bro-shooter-badasses go, the "terror twins" are about as video game cliche as it gets. Hopefully every cringe-worthy moment was in that trailer and the rest of the game is just shoot-em-up goodness.
  17. I still havent gotten Summerset. I was keeping up with the chapters just fine when they were $15-$20 but then Morrowind hit and they've been like, $40 ever since. It gets harder and harder to justify it when i only play it every once in a while. Plus Bethesda refuses to throw a bone to the peeps that have been there from the beginning (would a 20% discount be so hard) yet theyll package every new release with all the ones before it and sell it for $60 to the newcomers. I'm tempted to just wait for the next release after Elsewyr and buy a new copy to get Summerset and Elsewyr packed in with it.
  18. It's gonna start with Smeagol as a young deviant, running around the shire being an asshole and peeping through windows watching hobbit sex.
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