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XxEvil AshxX

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Everything posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. This is actually kind of a bummer. I would've rather seen the opposite happen, with EA Access being no more and those titles moving over to Game Pass / PSNow.
  2. I hope "sheriffs" are bounty hunters, because I honestly greatly preferred the bounty system in Odyssey over the notoriety systems in previous AC games. Sure, but AC Ragnarok better give me a hot vicious valkyrie warrior to play dress up with. I'd be okay with some wolf pelt bikinis. I hope they give us the option again, like in Odyssey, to have objectives and stuff show up on the map. I personally would fall asleep running from point A to point B in BotW and if these maps are really going to get bigger and bigger, I'd rather know if there's something worth getting to at the top of a mountain before I spent 20 minutes climbing up it.
  3. At least we don't have to worry about the game bogging down when there's a lot of loot on the screen. Dell over on Angry Joe show found out the hotkey the devs were using to spawn loot and tried to break the game by spawning as many guns as he could before he ran out of time. He got to a pretty impressive number on the screen and the game was still running fairly smooth. Granted, there was nothing else going on in the game at the time, but at least the code seems solid.
  4. I played it on Game Pass a few months ago. It's pretty good, but it's really a one-and-done kinda game.
  5. "How do I put this? It's not my sort of thing—but it's made so much money and generated a strong response from a certain type of player.." "The tone of the Kickstarter page says a lot about who the game is aimed at, and I won't pretend I didn't raise an eyebrow a few times while reading it." By "a certain type of player" and "who the game is aimed at" I'm assuming the author means people without a stick in their ass that allow themselves to enjoy things without judgement of themselves or others.
  6. Was there? Hell, if i woulda known, i wouldve checked it out a long time ago.
  7. Hmm.. not hating on Bloodborne or anything, but it seems really out of place on that list.
  8. I've always been kinda intrigued by Nier Automata. I never played the first Nier, but I'd heard good things about it and was a bit interested in Automata even though I didn't know much about it. The Become As Gods edition is on sale on Xbox One for $30 so I figured what the hell. If this game would've had a demo, I would've bought it a long time ago. Playing that opening level where the game is switching between being a side-scrolling shooter and an action game felt so good. The controls were tight and responsive, and even though I'd never played the game before, everything just felt familiar. While I did fight the camera a little bit during the boss fight (with the gigantic saw arms taking up the entire screen, I wanted to zoom out cuz it was hard to see where I was) for the most part it wasn't too bad. I had to quit out after the first save point, but I hope the rest of the game holds up like this, because that first mission was a blast.
  9. When i can load my Playboy Mansion program into my Holodeck, I'll be happy. Until then, the gaming industry will never be as big as it needs to be.
  10. Hey I dropped Shame off at the curb years ago! Honestly, all kidding aside, I don't even really want a "porn" game per se, but I want a game that just gives zero fucks. I'm not even talking about overly-crude vulgarity, but just silly funny stuff, or every day mundane shit. Your Sims character needs to take a shower? Well then you're gonna see your Sim character naked, because that's life, and this is a life simulator. Kinda like how in Saints Row IV when the boss breaks out of the alien prison and is bare assed, shooting aliens and not giving a shit. Now if only there weren't little blobs over the naughty bits because hey, the boss gives zero fucks, and the developers don't either. I realize these games on PC have mods that remove censors and replace textures/geometry/whatever, but the fact these mods even exist should say something.
  11. I'm not above playing something like this, but they need to work on them boob physics. Honestly though, it was inevitable. There's always been a porn gaming market, but it's always been relatively low budget due to the fact that few major publishers will support it. But now, not only do we have crowd funding, but we also have this push by the mass gaming market to remove sexualized females from their games, and the ones that enjoy it will go somewhere else. Just look at the dude that used to make the Kenran Sagura games. They've always been pretty crude, but with Sony moving to sterilize all the games on their console, he's probably going to follow suit and just move to PC where he can make whatever the hell he wants. The bigger the push is in the mainstream, the bigger this market is going to get. I'm actually ok with that. I've been criticized for my side-gig many times, my answer is simple. Don't like it, don't look at it.
  12. That's awesome. Can't wait for Kinda Funny to talk about this for 30 seconds. "Today MS announced a joint effort with the US VA to use the adaptive controller to rehab disabled veterans." "Wow, that's really cool." "BUT NEXT! Sony announces a Scratch N Sniff DS4" *talks for the next 45 minutes about how revolutionary Sony is and how fun it is to sniff things*
  13. I get what you're saying. Hemingway was an insufferable drunk, and was quite possibly a complete asshole, yet people still publish and read his books. What I'm getting at though, is that Andrea, despite knowing exactly how business works, was like, "they should've still invited him to the party." There's no way in a frozen hell Microsoft is touching that guy with a ten foot pole, and neither would Sony, Nintendo, or any other organization with public perception to worry about. He's a PR nightmare waiting to happen. That said, the guy has his 2 billion dollars, and likely doesn't a rat's ass if he's invited or not. I know I wouldn't. You give me a couple billion bucks for my creative work and you could do whatever the hell you want with it and I couldn't care less if I never heard from you again.
  14. I can't believe Andrea Renee on Kinda Funny (I actually can) was ragging on MS for banning him. I don't remember her exact words, but basically she said they were being petty. She always gives full disclosure that her husband works at Sony, but she says it doesn't effect her opinion on the industry, but she can be horribly biased from time to time (in fact it seems to be getting more frequent) especially when Microsoft/Xbox is concerned.
  15. I'd even settle for "don't announce a game until you actually have a game." Shit not even the guys on Shark Tank will let you pitch something unless you actually know what you're pitching. Bioware/EA literally had less to show than some schmuck on Shark Tank.
  16. Sega should really be porting over to anything that will have it. The xbox market might not be as big as Sony or Nintendo's, but its not small either. The only thing i can think is that Sony's money-hatting Persona and Yakuza. Also, yay for slot machine sales declining. Enough of that shit.
  17. Yeah that's a big meh. Probably why they waited so long to announce it. At least its gonna be a good Game Pass month. I can't help but wonder when/if MS will dissolve GWG. Theyre essentially rentals anyway (aside from 360), as long as you have Gold. Its basically game pass.
  18. I stream every once in a while for fun, but since i dont do it enough, i dont have any followers, and when i do it, there's no one to talk to, so whats the point lol. I like what MS is doing/trying, theyre incentivising the viewers to watch. But what they NEED to do is reward viewers for watching something new. Its still the Twitch catch-22 where you have to be seen in order to be a partner, but you have to be a partner in order to be seen. Their user forums suggest having people exchange their own sparks for front-page time, and other similar ideas, which i think would be good. I have about a half a million sparks cuz i dont use them. The only streams i really watch are the official xbox streams and they dont fuckin need em. It would be nice to exchange them for something useful to myself. I realize people would abuse it, but its a start.
  19. Just kinda skimmed this last page but i know the scene you're discussing. I noted it immediately as seeming kinda "forced" but i literally had forgotten all about it 30 seconds later. Doesnt really seem like anything to get worked up over. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and was trembling with nerd tears for 3/4 of it, but tgere are so many other plot points to argue about lol.
  20. I watch Mixer in the background as i do office work. Some of their official MS streams aren't too bad, but some of them make me want to jab pencils in my ears.
  21. Are you guys doing the WT's solo? I have to be the slowest person on the planet at this game. I don't even think I'm halfway to endgame yet.
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