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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. I heard you were a right-wing, white-supremacist, anti-abortion, machine-gun-owning Nazi.
  2. One way to gain insight into the political philosophies of an editorial board is to see who they endorse in elections. You are right that political ideologies are somewhat different than whether a newspaper leans left or right. And they don't always mean the same thing.
  3. Clearly. If you redefine the centre as the left-wing, anyone to the centre of that is centre-right.
  4. You're right. An editorial board that picks a Democrat for President 16 times in a row means their political expression is right-of-centre. That, and every study that looks at media bias puts them on the left as well.
  5. They're centre-left. If they were on the right, they may have endorsed at least one Republican presidential candidate since Eisenhower.
  6. UK ruling delivers rare victory for Beirut blast victims | AP News APNEWS.COM BEIRUT (AP) — A British court has ruled a London-based company that delivered the explosive ammonium nitrate to Beirut's port is liable towards the victims of a devastating blast in 2020, Lebanon's Beirut Bar Association said Thursday.
  7. This looks like everything I don't want in a game. A Co-Op 4-player GaaS shooter with a Battle Passed, focused on killing the heroes I grew up loving by shooting glowy purple bits, to collect loot and cosmetics. Hard pass for me.
  8. Swiftpoint Z2 - A Legend Is Reborn! by Swiftpoint — Kickstarter Best mouse I've used for gaming is getting a mild upgrade -- Kickstarter has launched.
  9. When I open a new tab in my browser, it opens up with a search engine on it.
  10. Show me a news source that is upfront about their bias, and I'll buy you a beer.
  11. Respectfully disagree. I really don't care what a 21-year old who managed B+'s in journalism school's opinion is. Most writers in papers don't have the expertise/authortity to have their opinions mean shit.
  12. In the past, news organizations at least tried to be objective.
  13. If a news organization is supported by donations from the public, it is probably struggling to survive.
  14. Good luck with the job hunt. If they check whether there are any lies on your resume -- will you get fired?
  15. I'll stop trolling for a second... I really do think opinion and news need to be separated. Too many "news" sources are unable to stay objective, and mistake journalistic integrity with expressing their opinions on tpoics.
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