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Everything posted by Remarkableriots

  1. Since they have had them since PS 3 i don't see that happening.
  2. 34 day old Whopper looks so good!
  3. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51567695
  4. PS 9 will have lifelike graphics when we inject it into our veins! Worst case scenario PS 9 Pro OC overdosing...
  5. @Jason What do you think of the new season of Legends of Tomorrow?
  6. Thank you! I'll send a Amazon gift card or something next week to pay you back.
  7. I lost my wallet Sunday and had to cancel my bank card. They sent me a new bank card that will arrive next week but i can't pay my cell phone bill. I need my cellphone for the bus pass that's on my phone to get to work.If i could barrow $35 until i get my card i would pay that money back. https://www.straighttalk.com/wps/portal/home/shop/serviceplans#hash1
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