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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. A Chief of Police making off-the-cuff remarks one way or another at a press conference could very likely derail any potential prosecution of the shooter though. He's smart not to make any heavy handed comments in support of, or against, the police officer.
  2. Cops should be limited to the same firearm restrictions as civilians.
  3. Yes. Police always carry with a round chambered. This is standard procedure world-wide where police are armed. The only exception that I'm aware of is in Israel with certain security forces there.
  4. There is a press conference about this shooting right now. The video seems pretty clear to me - the officer intended to taser Daunte, but accidentally withdrew her pistol and shot him instead. This is clearly due to a lack of adequate training with this particular officer, and I hope she is charged with manslaughter.
  5. That should be funded with general tax revenue. I doubt that ticket revenue alone could fund what you are describing. What's with you libruls not wanting to give money back to the people?
  6. In theory I have no problem with traffic stops. My problem is that ticket revenue is used to fund local governments, or even worse, the police department itself. Ticket revenue should never be used in this manner. I favor having ticket revenue being given back to the residents in the form of yearly dividend payments. It may not be much on a personal level, maybe $50 or something, but it would give a positive incentive to drive safely, as even a single speeding ticket would likely wipe out that dividend you get.
  7. This is the only "expand the court" type system I would support. I would envision it starting out with the 9 current justices being supplemented by 4 random judges from 4 random circuits. Each time one of the current justices dies or retires, one more circuit judge is brought into the fold, and this continues until all of the justices are gone.
  8. Man, I should have jumped on the chance to get Starlink. I actually got an email last month saying I was eligible, but I passed on it because it's still in beta and my cable internet is ok (but pricey).
  9. I planned on building a computer too. I built my daughter a computer 2 years ago using a first gen Ryzen with integrated graphics. It works pretty well. Maybe I'll build another one for myself with one of the third gen cards with integrated graphics so I don't need to get a separate video card.
  10. In the Navy, we paid $70 per little LED for indicators on a control panel. Not talking fancy RGB or super high output, but just little red LEDs that tell you if the panel is in alarm.
  11. Well, I wouldn't recommend doing this for the reason you give, I'm just saying it's safer than the alternative of having a chambered pistol bouncing around in your center console or on a holster on your belt.
  12. This is actually a pretty cool device! I'd consider this a safety device, because it allows the user to keep the chamber clear when it is stored in the holster, which means there is less of a chance of a negligent discharge.
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