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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. Nah. I wouldn't be surprised if Twitter is made up of a lot more bots than they are willing to admit. And if they did admit it, their advertising revenue would dry up REAL quick. Why would Samsung (or whoever) pay $X for advertising on Twitter when the number of "people" viewing their ads is inflated by a huge margin? It would be borderline stupid for any advertiser to continue using Twitter at Twitter's rates, whatever they are.
  2. Discovery might help Musk's position in regards to bot accounts, honestly.
  3. The deal is OFF! Elon Musk notifies Twitter he is terminating deal WWW.CNBC.COM "Twitter has not complied with its contractual obligations," an attorney for Musk wrote.
  4. NGL, Japan has a successful track record of keeping guns out of the hands of peasants, which dates back hundreds of years.
  5. This guy will hanged, I'm willing to bet. Japan's death row is kinda creepy, because those who are sentenced to death do not know when they will actually be put to death. The state keeps it a secret until right before it's done - the government doesn't even tell the family of the convicted until after they are dead, from what I understand.
  6. Some sleuths on Reddit think the shotgun may be homemade or 3d printed. There is also speculation that the shells were homemade as well due to the amount of smoke created, which means it could have been black powder (easy to make at home) instead of the more common smokeless powder used in commercial ammunition.
  7. It has to be demoralizing for a Russian soldier on the ground in Ukraine. Your buddies are dying left and right, your shells and bullets are being expended at an unsustainable rate, with little to no territorial gains made on a day to day basis. It's a modern meat grinder.
  8. I was a career counselor when I was in the Navy, and one thing I always stressed to the sailors who came to me for guidance was this: If you concentrate on the shitty aspects of your job (and life) while bobbing around the middle of the Pacific on an ship, you are going to have a bad time. Instead, thing about the good things that have come from your career in the Navy - the training that is (incredibly) transferrable to the civilian world, the friends you made, and the experiences you had visiting other countries. As an example: I COULD remember our port call to India as the worst port call of my career, complete with dysentery (or whatever it ended up being), the sweltering heat, the waiting in line for 8 hours to get off the ship, etc. But instead I'll remember the bad-ass tuk-tuk ride to the hotel, the (hands down) best beer I ever drank, and the comradery established and fortified during those days. If you only ever concentrate on the shit, life is going to be shit.
  9. If it passes I hope there is no carve out for off duty and retired law enforcement.
  10. I got a vasectomy a few years back. We have one child and that is enough for us. It cost us like $50 with insurance to get it done. It's a no brainer. More men should do it!
  11. Setting up some kind of deal with Murkowski and Collins on this particular legislation in exchange for something they may want (aside from abortion legislation) may be their best bet.
  12. If we are going to say that the executive can't do all of the vile shit they did during the Trump administration in regards to things like immigration because it was never actually codified in a law passed by Congress, then we should be consistent that the executive can also not do (good) shit in regards to the environment because it was never actually codified in a law passed by Congress. Should the Feds have the power to regulate CO2? Sure. But it has to be done in accordance with the Constitution and existing law.
  13. As far as the EPA decision goes, it just seems like the court is saying that Congress could address this with legislation.
  14. Like, a one time rule change? Or change the filibuster to one that actually requires a Senator to physically filibuster, instead of what exists now?
  15. The Dems are not running a candidate in Utah this year. Instead, they are throwing their support behind Evan McMullin (Republican running as an independent). It should be a tighter race compared to if a Democrat was facing Lee.
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