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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. It's where he's keeping the mini-gun and explosives. He was inspired by the Terminator series to keep weapons in caskets.
  2. FYI it is federally illegal to be a user of marijuana (regardless of state law) and own firearms. Hopefully that changes in the near future.
  3. I've said it before, but I think one of the reasons why California has a lower gun suicide rate than its neighbors is due to the 10 day waiting period for gun purchases. At least in my mind, a waiting period has a positive correlation to a reduction in gun suicide attempts. But if you already own one or more guns, then the 10 day waiting period is largely ineffective. If we want to have a reduction in gun suicides, then a mandatory waiting period for a first gun purchase makes sense! But beyond that, it's just window dressing.
  4. The only proper car Ford still sells is the Mustang. Everything else is an SUV/Crossover or a truck.
  5. $3 trillion wouldn't even come close to reorganizing America around public transit. I can't even imagine how it would work in many of the sprawling cities in the mid-west and west.
  6. What would suck is if we never actually get to learn exactly what classified documents were being searched for today because they were so highly classified. How would a trial work under those types of circumstances? Could the prosecution even talk about what was in these documents?
  7. 15 boxes were returned, but were all of the documents that were originally in those boxes from January 20th, 2021 still in them?
  8. When he left the White House on January 20th, 2021, he literally took with him boxes and boxes worth of classified documents down to Mar A Lago. He wasn't authorized to have those documents and it's pretty clear he didn't go through the proper process to have them declassified.
  9. Trump usually doesn't keep documents, so they must have had some strong evidence that there was something worth pursuing inside that safe.
  10. Trump was such a shitty sore loser in Georgia he sank the 2 gop Senate candidates. Shitty take? More like best take. If Trump still had a Twitter account I'd recommend you @ him and thank him for this glorious gift.
  11. You all have one person to thank for the Democrats having control of the Senate with Harris being the tie breaking vote for this bill.
  12. His cell phone data will be shared (and used!) with the other attorneys in those future trials, I'm willing to bet.
  13. Funding for government programs is all just from imaginary money anyways. Taxes are used to either hurt or help certain groups.
  14. Punitive damages won't be decided until Jones' lawyers accidentally release his furry videos to the plaintiffs.
  15. I wouldn't be surprised if the DoJ has the complete recording and transcript of Cipollone's closed door testimony for the House, and they just ask him the same questions.
  16. unogreen may be a host actually. They don't even recognize their own kind.
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