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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. San Francisco is expensive for a number of reasons - but to think that what is being experienced in SF will happen in every corner of America is just silly.
  2. Maybe all of the Trump simps will buy his dirty bath water, like how that Belle girl did to all of her morons?
  3. All of these munition equipped drones must scare the shit out of regular Russian soldiers on the front lines. Yeah, the bombs they deploy are small, but they seem to do a good job of killing and/or injuring small groups of soldiers who are out in the open (or have their tank hatches open.
  4. Eh, at least he isn't a lazy mooch like Sanders who got kicked out of a commune for not pulling his own weight.
  5. Fetterman looks like he could be a plumber or a mechanic. What jobs has he had in the past? I find it pretty surprising he's never had a blue collar job based on his appearance and demeanor.
  6. Despite the ethical concerns, I'm still waiting for scientists to clone humans. Preferably, they do this with someone famous or noteworthy, like Einstein or Elvis. At the very least, we'll get to see how much genetics play a role in things like talent, intelligence, and demeanor.
  7. I don't believe Baldwin (the actor) is responsible or liable for what happened here. But Baldwin (the producer) is responsible and liable.
  8. The mental gymnastics would be legendary for Trump supporters to justify the former president to be on the lamb!
  9. I could totally see Kushner doing this. Not because it was the right thing to do, but because he's the type of person who would stab a person in the back in order to elevate himself. Just look at this fucking guy: He's got Patrick Bateman vibes.
  10. His finger is on the trigger. He's not being very safe. But...high viz vest cancels it out I suppose.
  11. I like the fact that this will likely drive mineral extraction and manufacturing in the United states, both of which create good paying blue collar jobs that don't require a degree.
  12. Even in the Navy when I was going through A-school, we had to stamp in all of our homework in beg red letters as "NOFORN" (No foreign nationals) and have it locked up when not in the school house. The government doesn't mess around with classified information/
  13. I think the car and battery can be produced in US, Mexico, or Canada, not just the US to qualify for the full credit.
  14. Clearly there is no connection between the rhetoric Trump and his pustules are pushing out regarding the FBI and this incident!
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