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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. Democracy is a pretty new reason to support both Taiwan and South Korea, as both of those countries were NOT really democracies up until a few decades ago.
  2. Biggest reason? They oppose China, who is our largest adversary in the region. Also they are not dirty communists, like mainland China!
  3. No, not really. My guess is that this is just me relapsing from the infection I had 2 weeks ago. My theory is that the Paxlovid did a great job as an anti-viral - preventing replication of the virus and allowing me to get over feeling like shit. But it also prevented my body from mounting the proper immune response to the virus. So now the infection is back. My wife and daughter caught either Alpha or Delta last June, but I didn't, despite being in close contact the entire time they were positive. My guess is that I had a lot of antibodies from both Moderna doses, which kept me protected. Interestingly, both my wife and daughter have remained negative while I got COVID the last few weeks. Either they transferred it to me and they were asymptomatic, or their infections from June gave them immunity to what I have now.
  4. Mother.fucker.exe I tested positive. Again. 2 weeks ago, I tested positive and got sick enough it knocked me on my ass for a few days. But I was prescribed the anti-viral Paxlovid and it helped my symptoms within a day of taking it. I tested negative on the 16th and was able to return to work the next day. Our policy at work is that you have to test weekly regardless of symptoms, so I tested this morning and it came back positive. WTF. So I tested myself again and it was positive as well. I'm asymptomatic though, which is good. My wife was afraid that I might relapse, as a certain percentage of people who take Paxlovid have the infection come back. Reading this article, I may be one of those lucky few! But like I said, I don't really have any symptoms, and I otherwise feel fine. So I guess I'll have to WFH the next few days.
  5. It's fucking stupid that American citizens have to file taxes if they live and work overseas. End the madness!
  6. Wasn't whole foods created to milk limp wristed liberals of their money by selling them overpriced groceries?
  7. Would it be a dick move to smash a bunch of fertilized sea turtle eggs?
  8. Maybe if you are full of angst and self remorse. There is no better time in humanity's existence than right now. Do you honestly think you'd be better off at any other time in human history?
  9. There seems to be more than a few liberals on this board that think if you aren't pro-choice through all trimesters of the pregnancy for any reason, than you aren't pro-choice. In fact, you are anti-choice. To them, it's binary, and there is no middle ground.
  10. I'd be happy if Twitter cleans house with regards to bots and the algorithm if it means Musk has to pay a $1 billion penalty.
  11. It was shit law from a conservative point of view, and it was a shit law from an LGTBQ point of view as well. Judge: California's women on boards law is unconstitutional | AP News APNEWS.COM LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Los Angeles judge has ruled that California’s landmark law requiring women on corporate boards is unconstitutional. Superior Court Judge Maureen Duffy-Lewis said the law that would have required boards have up to three female directors by this year violated the right to equal treatment.
  12. Monetization is so tied to the "algorithm" now that anything short of an actual law that addresses these two linked issues will be like pissing into the wind. Facebook is unlikely to revert to old ways of making money, simply because their algorithm makes them so much money.
  13. Since Russia considers Crimea 100% Russian territory, Ukrainian troops going onto the island would definitely be provocative. Justifiable? Yes.
  14. It's simply amazing that Ukraine still has an air force at this point. Have they been able to fly any donated MiGs yet?
  15. When an 18 year old white male does bad, they are a teenager. When an 18 year old black male does bad, they are a man. Although I don't think AP had any ill-intent here, it is interesting how we sometimes label criminals.
  16. I'll be done taking my 5 day dose of Paxlovid tomorrow. I can't be sure IT is the reason why I started feeling better Wednesday morning, but it lines up with me starting to take it Tuesday night. I highly recommend if any of you end up getting COVID, ask your doctor or state COVID authority for a prescription of Paxlovid. It's free to you, as the government pays Pfizer directly to the tune of $520 per prescription.
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