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Everything posted by legend

  1. I want to see this soon, but 1. My wife doesn't enjoy going to theaters anymore; and 2. We got Covid this last week (first time!) and are still recovering so we probably shouldn't be in a theater now anyway.
  2. It's more complicated than that. OpenAI was originally a non-profit, and they continue to have a "non-profit" base on which a capped "for-profit" entity sits on top. Tesla is just for profit with none of the legal benefits of a non-profit (or at least I wasn't aware of any!) It's a fucked up world to allow the BS organizational structure that OpenAI gets away with and they ought to be taken to task for it.
  3. Haha yeah, I was like "oh they're going to remind us of that bit at the end.... wait it's even weirder than we thought!?" The part in particular that was weird is that they mentioned in the news cast
  4. Sucks It's going to make this final season of Curb weirder. Especially since he was talking about his will in it
  5. They can be great, but they're especially susceptible to having their game design infected by executives who are trying to figure out how to get more money out of people instead of how to make the game more fun. So it ultimately depends on the development environment.
  6. I'm not terribly concerned as of yet. I'm not going to bother catching up on what happens there. As long as they give you the background in Rebirth, it can remain background for me!
  7. Oh I have no doubt the DLC will have connections. It would be silly not to have any references as if it didn't exist. I just deeply doubt it's critical for someone to play through it before Rebirth. I think you'll still be able to enjoy Rebirth just fine without having played it and you could even go back and play it later if you find yourself interested in expanding on what happened. Certainly I have no objections to people reading synopses of it before hand though. It won't take long to read! The bigger worry I would have is how much knowing the OG will be important. The ending of FF7R just doesn't make much sense without knowing it. Arguably, it's "just the end" whereas the rest of the game is perfectly understandable on its own. So maybe Rebirth won't be too bad, but there is a real risk of it getting weird and without the OG knowledge it might be hard for newcomers. Guess we'll find out soon!
  8. I think it reeks of geeks being geeks about everyone having to know all the lore perfect information to appreciate a story (which I say as a geek myself). But hey, I'll leave open the possibility that they'll out do themselves!
  9. If that's the worst, I still don't think it's worth telling people they need to play it before they play Rebirth and I suspect it will still be better than that
  10. If they can find a way to turn the background content of the DLC into required viewing I’ll be impressed Pretty sure I’ve always been argumentative on this board and life in general
  11. No, I don't have any full game spoilers. But I still don't see how anything in the Yuffie DLC has to be seen and that cannot be easily communicated to the player in Rebirth. The Yuffie DLC is very much a "for the fans" kind of story, like an OVA.
  12. Correct, that's what I said, which is not what you said I said. Especially when I elaborated to you what I meant by not being "critical" later. But I think we should just drop it.
  13. Sure, you'll get more context. That's why I said you'll better understanding her background and motivations, but it still not critical. If we were going by this reasoning, Crisis Core is *vastly* more critical than the Yuffie DLC and I don't think that's critical to play either. That's not what I said and I also elaborated on what I meant by it not being critical. Not sure where things are getting lost.
  14. Sure, there's references to stuff. But it's all window dressing. I find it hard to believe that playing the Yuffie DLC will make a difference in understanding Rebirth. If someone want's the read a two sentence summary in advance I'm not going to stop them! Nevertheless, I maintain that it is not critical to play the DLC before you play Rebirth. You'll be able to follow Rebirth just fine. Or at least as well as without (The FF7 story isn't exactly simple so I can see people have trouble regardless )
  15. I suppose, but this is a rebirth thread and I think the only people ITT who hadn't played FFVIIR but are interested in rebirth have now finished it! I've added additional spoilers out an abundance of caution though. If you agree it can be easily summed up, that's precisely my point. There are only little tidbits that are so easy to briefly mention. It's just not critical to play the DLC to understand what's going to happen in Rebirth.
  16. You mean the bit with I'm not sure that really is required viewing since they already showed you something weird was happening with I'm not sure I remember which bosses you're talking about and I never played the Vincent game. But the stuff with Nero doesn't really cover anything meaningful other than the fact that Nero But that can be summed up real quick if needed.
  17. I enjoyed it, but I just don't see what they presented as being critical to the rest of the story. Mostly it will give you some additional background on Yuffie and what's motivating her.
  18. No, I mean what's the flame Sony about? I just checked the comments and I guess I see some making snarky comments that Sony should have used this themselves? Is that it? Because that's a pretty stupid flame. There are a billion different services and software stacks that have to be used to make these games (and other stuff Sony does) and Sony doesn't design the security for all of them. We desperately need more services to adopt passkey already, and Sony is taking the steps to adopt it earlier than most in the service they actually control. Or if the flame was about passkey being a bad idea, then that's also a stupid flame
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