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Everything posted by Link200

  1. One would assume they will at least lose the next election campaign. They literally only "won" by 905 votes. This has to change at least that many minds about the guy if he is allowed to run again. Then again this is the age of Trump... If they do get off with just a slap on the wrist it should definitely shut up the North Carolina GOP the next time they talk about "voter fraud". It probably wont though.
  2. Honestly he does it every time he wants to make a point about an extreme view. He loves to try and make false equivalences about Obama and other democrats. Another example is when Trump made it policy to split families he mentioned Obama did as well as a way to rationalize his stupidity. Trump of course willfully neglected to notice the actual differences in policy.
  3. I find the All Cancers one a good indication. Going form 1980 to 2014 shows a visible decline overall. The only place that hasn't really gotten better is the south. That seems to be the trend for most medical related items on the list. The south seems to do better in other areas though.
  4. Don't forget to dust the nerfed cards. They are currently 100% due to the nerfs. Also just opened this interesting pack today with my free cards. I really can not complain.
  5. I wonder if he actually knows that we pay 2-3 times more than China and Russia combined for this so called "arms race".
  6. Pretty sure they want a draft system to be their primary gameplay system. The way I got into HS was by watching the game. I never played card games so it was an easy way to see what the game was like but also to learn how to play. Watching Artifact isn't quite as easy or fun. Admittedly part of the reason is due to not knowing the cards.
  7. Glad to hear some positivity coming out of this disaster. -Donated. Hang in there dude!
  8. There are only two sources for Mueller stuff. Court filings and GOP hacks. Expect some errors.
  9. Watching the guy's video reminds me why I never play CoD games. The lack of recoil just messes with my head too much.
  10. This honestly depends on the Meta. Currently you can rock your way up to legend with a Zoo Lock that is pretty cheap.
  11. I really have no idea why the GOP just hasn't dumped the guy and gotten someone more likely to be confirmed. Kavanaugh has always polled poorly just like other failed nominees and it has only gotten worse. There are definitely better options for the GOP at this point. Guess this makes it easier for the democrats to take over.
  12. It is mostly just online players that need VC to compete. Last year I was playing against 90+ players when I was only at 80. Kinda hard to complete the required "win 5 games" objectives when you just get rolled.
  13. I have to go with the N64 due to pure nostalgia reasons. It was what I grew up with. I did have previous gen consoles prior but the N64 was the best as far as playing with friends and such.
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