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Jack of Some Trades
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Everything posted by Emblazon

  1. This is my favorite: It's available at most grocery stores, too.
  2. Nobody bought him eggplant to put in the condoms.
  3. I would... but it would be the 4th most traumatic cheating experience for @Triage.
  4. Halloween was a pretty looking steaming pile of horseshit of a horror movie. So, unless you've got something else, nothing came close to Hereditary.
  5. I'm in. Hereditary was the best horror film of 2018. Though, to be fair, it was a shitty year for horror films. Still shouldn't take away from Hereditary. Great movie.
  6. I still have my pristine copy of the most overprinted "limited" comic, possibly in history... The Death of Superman in the sealed black bag. It might now actually be worth more than the price on the cover.
  7. I'm happy that my recent excessive investment in iTunes movies has cut out any and all urges I had to switch back to Android.
  8. It is definitely better in person. I've been dying to try some NY/NJ bagels. Also, our daughter is worried about not being able to find any good Asian food/markets in North NJ--should she be worried?
  9. Try for yourself: www.tasteofchicago.com It most definitely is. What is not is stuffed pizza. Deep dish and stuffed are NOT the same thing.
  10. Well, the sports card collecting industry has gone down the shitter, and with the implementation of digital, the only real reason for comics to continue to exist (in physical form) is for collectors. Yes, there is the argument for having paper in your hands, but as someone else said above, the actual time you spend with a single comic is mere minutes, which negates the book argument of reading physical paper (novels take hours to get through). I'm curious about a couple of things: 1. How many comics today are still being hand drawn as opposed to being drawn digitally with a Wacom or similar. 2. What is the cost differential between printing novels and printing comics--one prints full page color over a smaller number of pages, while the other prints only black text over a larger number of pages. I'd think comics cost a bit more to print.
  11. Fuck the Bay Area. SoCal 4 Lyfe. 😁
  12. All is back to normal. Both dark themes are back up and fully functional. If you happen to notice something off of broken, please let us know, again, either in this thread or on the Help Desk.
  13. Sorry, we've decided to go full Trump. They say you should never go full retard... but here we are. Dark themes should be back to their glorious darkness tomorrow.
  14. We just ran a board update, and it appears to have broken some functionality at the moment for two of our themes--PlayStation & Dreamcast. I have switched those two themes off for the time being until they are back to fully functional again. So if you come to the site, and it looks a bit different, that's because the default theme has been changed until the corrections have been made. All functionality on the other themes should be working fine, but if they're not, please post about it here or on the Help Desk. We'll get those other two themes back up and running as quickly as possible, and I'll update this thread once they are good to go.
  15. As an editor, the cuts and beats in that scene make my fucking eyes bleed.
  16. It's that small. What's funny is Samsung is running an ad on TV that shows a foldable phone where the screen on the front covers the entire surface. The phone in the video is quite a bit thinner, too. Countdown until someone sues Samsung for false advertising?
  17. It makes sense so the screen doesn't crease, but it really sucks for dust particles that you know will fly in between the screens and scratch the holy hell out of it.
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