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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Eat my ass, Florida: Florida to allow death penalty with 8-4 jury vote instead of unanimously WWW.REUTERS.COM Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is expected to sign a bill on Friday allowing juries to recommend the death penalty in capital cases on an 8-4 vote, a move spurred by the less-than-unanimous vote that led to the Parkland school shooter being sentenced to life in prison.
  2. My memory of the MCU timeline is ass at this point, so I don't really even know when he stopped doing spy shit. Also Kamala seems like the kind of fan that would have found cell phone footage of Tony's funeral and Nick was there... so whatever. This is a franchise where Thanos killed 50% of Asgard before blipping the universe, and New Asgard has an ice cream shop called Infinity Cones so you know... I'm here for it not making sense. EDIT - actually it's Infinity Conez with a Z, which feels even worse somehow.
  3. I guess that's true. But also he was declared dead? But then blipped? Again not a big deal at all just curious if I was forgetting something obvious.
  4. The Daily Wire offered Steven Crowder $50 million, which he rejected. His sole claim to fame is being the "change my mind" guy and the only thing he's good for is raising the ambient temperature of a room he happens to be in. $50 million to get in front of a mic and whine. It's clearly not just worth it, but very much so.
  5. If you do a 180 as soon as Leon yeets himself out of the Hunter's Lodge at the very beginning of a NG+ run, there's a merchant there. lolwut.
  6. I feel like "soul" within the context of big budget video games made by teams of hundreds in a major franchise that went through several iterations prior to landing on the one that very clearly had the most mass market appeal is odd to begin with. I don't know that the original RE4 had "soul" and while I appreciate that the remake is by definition derivative, I think it's going as hard as the original in terms of aiming to appeal as much as it can to fans of the original while not doing shit that would immediately be called out in 2023 that wasn't in 2005, like upskirt shots and a grown ass man seeing a college student and immediately commenting on her tits. EDIT - also having watched some of that video, if whoever uploaded that didn't fuck with the audio balance, then whatever was used to capture and upload it sure did. My hearing is lousy and I can hear the ambient and environmental effects in the remake just fine?
  7. If it's 75% as fun as Ms. Marvel it'll be a gas, I'm in. I don't actually care about the answer to this but... why do civilians know about Nick Fury? Kamala apparently does but I have no recall of how she would know who he is? I get that she's an Avengers superfan but isn't his whole thing that he's a spy?
  8. This is the endgame of gun ownership for defense against agents of the state. Absolutely not.
  9. If you spend time on Nextdoor, you'd know that there's a non zero amount of Americans who believe they have the right and moral justification to shoot and kill kids playing ding dong ditch. There's just no way you can accomplish that unless you come to the door armed and ready to fire. Kidding aside, I don't think there's a big leap from "I own a gun for home defense" to "I must be armed at all times in my home to achieve said home defense." I know for sure that close to a dozen people I graduated high school with in rural, northern NJ carry within their home, and I went to a relatively small school.
  10. Back at it again with the White Tower. Chapters 41 - 53 of 1990's... The Eye of the World. In which... The band gets back together! Mat continues to go full Gollum I'm pretty sure we finally learn (not accounting for New Spring) Moiraine is Blue Ajah Moving at a pace the series will rarely hit again after another couple books, the gang gets to Fal Dara We go into The Bright, the pace remains bonkers by WoT standards, and are there for feel what 15 minutes The Green Man is weird The Eye of The World is weird and the fight that happens there makes little sense The Creator talks to Rand, doing him the favor of letting him know that god's not going to help him Rand makes the first of a billion promises to himself that he'll end up breaking My main takeaways from the back 1/4 of this book are how everything flies by in general, and by WoT standards it's practically beyond light speed. And also that I reread a couple of the last few chapters and some of the stuff about The Eye of The World and the fight that happens there just... don't make a ton of sense. Some things rarely seem to work like this again, the purpose of The Eye itself seems kinda weird and In don't think ever really gets resolved in a way that is satisfactory. And the cords come back less often than it seems like they should unless the ability to see them is a Talent Rand has? But I don't think that's ever really expanded upon either.
  11. This cuts both ways though unless I'm not understanding you correctly. The people that carp most loudly about culture war stuff are also the people who are the dominant culture and it's often about things that really don't matter like not being able to say Merry Christmas anymore or Bud Light working with one trans person. It's an easy war to wage for the same reason that it's easy to dismiss; for them the stakes are low and at the end of the day the color of their Starbucks or who InBev works with doesn't really matter. But I agree in general that politics often if not always involve culture wars, and the ability to dismiss them is a privileged position.
  12. This tracks, Mandalorians in these shows change their allegiance more often than I change out my razor blade.
  13. If you only count the times when I got on base, my batting average is 1.000, prove me wrong.
  14. I know BotW has flaws I was just too busy vibing to care even after a couple runs, my last one being on Master Mode where I finished all the shrines and did all the Master Trials. I didn't love weapon durability (though I came to appreciate it and eventually upgrades made it irrelevant for me), how the horses handled, discovery could have been made better without compromising the sense of exploration, would have been rad to cook multiple instances of the same food at a time, etc. It all just came together in a way where none of that mattered for me. I had so much fun just doing stupid shit and this seems to be doubling down on that. I'm so ready.
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