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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. I'm asking a question, if PS5/XSX and Steam implemented a system level rewind feature for all games, so a company like From Software loses it's ability to dictate the difficulty of their own game, would anyone have issue with that? Based on the responses in previous threads, I'd assume many wouldn't like that. If Dark Souls 4 comes out next year with a mandated system level rewind feature, does that take away from From Softwares work or experience they intended players to have?
  2. It's really not that serious, but I do think it brings up an interesting discussion. If the next gen consoles or Steam implement a system level rewind feature, how would that make many of the Dark Souls difficulty defenders feel? Weren't many on this board adament defenders of From Software being able to make a game experience how they saw fit. A rewind feature virtually eliminates difficulty from all games.
  3. To be fair if social media existed back when the PT came out in the same way it does today, it would've been a bloodbath.
  4. I finished it all earlier today and loved all of it. Some minor qualms here and there but overall, absolutely enjoyed this rendition of the series and cant wait for more.
  5. Episode 3 has me sad this is only 8 Episodes. Definitely gonna be replaying the games I think when I'm done.
  6. I watched it and really enjoyed it. I'm probably not as into Star Wars as most of you, but I really enjoyed the entire ST.
  7. I don't think there is much MS will be able to do to ever "Win" another gen. Playstation has more heritage, and the popularity around the globe I feel will just be damn near impossible for MS to ever make headway against. The only reason the 360 was able to do as well as it did, was because the year head start, pricing advantage, performance advantages, and most of all, Sony's online sucked on PS3 at a time when Online Gaming was emerging. Add to that the fact Microsoft clearly isn't as concerned with selling hardware as Sony with all "exclusives" coming to PC, and I think it's safe to say that Sony should clearly always be the market leader in Hardware, at least vs Microsoft. I am just happy that gaming seems to be coming closer together. Cross Platform gaming on CoD and other games is just such a nice thing. Not worrying about what platform people prefer to game on, just being able to game with each other, is such a good direction to be going. I really hope it just simply becomes an industry standard next gen for all games. Borderlands 3, Destiny, so many co-op focused games that are missing out on it.
  8. #DigitalFoundry 19-12-2019: I recently followed a couple Xbox Youtubers, and it's insane just how many console warriors there still are. Console Wars are still alive and well. I cant wait for PS5 personally. I think they are both gonna be damn near identical in performance. I may even also sign up for PSNow to play some PS3 games I missed.
  9. You just need to buy Robonauts for .99 to start the free daily giveaways if you missed Day 1.
  10. I bought this back when it released on Xbox, but never got around to playing it, even though I always wanted to. Well this trailer got me to finally start. I'm very early in. It's interesting for sure.
  11. I know you have an insane rig, roughly whats the $ cost for what you have these days? Just so I can share with my friends that aren't into tech just how powerful the new Xbox/PS5 maybe.
  12. Lots of people mad the show essentially ended on shovelware F&F game.
  13. Shouldnt this and the response be tagged spoilers for those trying to avoid any of this.
  14. https://www.ea.com/games/anthem/news/update-160 Another seasonal update. This one has some Time Trials, which I was always interested in. I'll hop on to check it out. The armor set rewards last season were actually pretty cool, but grindy. If this seasons arent as bad I might put some time in to get them, counting on a reboot soon.
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