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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. Ultimately, i think they need to change it so you can only sell Turnips on your own Island, or something to that affect. There is 0 Risk/Reward with the current set up. You are guaranteed to sell at minimum 4x the investment with very minimal work.
  2. Max hits on Rocks is 8, especially important for the Money Rock as the last hit gets you the most money.
  3. My Turnip Price is 471 this afternoon, if anyone is looking to sell. 2435-4044-0145 I logged off for now, but just @ me on here and I'll jump back on.
  4. Our bank and accountant have given us pretty clear guidelines on what to track and set up a pretty clearly organized Spreadsheet for us to use week to week for the next 8 weeks. 75% of the funds should be spent on payroll, 25% used can be used towards rent, utilities, Interest on Loans. We are tracking it weekly to make sure we are within that 75% threshold of it spent on Payroll so it can be forgiven.
  5. I have a 2080ti an i9-9900k, and play at 1440p max I know a few others with similar setups that are running 1080p monitors. I just really think there is a huge portion of the gaming base, specifically the multiplayer focused games, that don't care at all about 4k, and just care purely on performance and frame rates. I think great single player story driven games should continue to push the boundaries of graphics and performance, but so many games need to focus in on performance first. From a competitive gaming standpoint especially, Valorant is set to be one of the hotter games coming out, and it can run in Intel HD Graphic cards.
  6. Why are you guys bringing up 720p? You think they are going to be targeting 720p on Lockhart? It's going to be a 1080p or 1440p machine.
  7. I haven't played previous AC so I don't know what's missing, but it does seem like a lot will be added back with updates hopefully.
  8. That being said, if the lower TF machine can hinder how far the envelope can be pushed for future games later in the generation, and not just affect resolution, then I dislike the idea as well. I just think there are a lot of gamers that are perfectly fine with 1080p performance, and are fine saving the $ if they get the next gen experience without the resolution boost. Edit - The event is supposedly the first week of May, so not too much longer to see some stuff hopefully.
  9. The rumors at this point is its going to essentially be identical in all aspects but GPU, and basically just shoot to hit 1080p/1440p resolutions while being able to deliver the faster load times and better frame rates that the next gen should delivery. It's not going to attempt to go for 4k or higher end Resolutions. It's something I've seen for awhile now since investing heavily into PC gaming as well. A lot of people I know running high end PC's, almost none of them run 4k, or 1440p. So many of them just run 1080p monitors at max frame rates. I think resolutions in general are so overblown by the fanboys as some metric to win their Console Wars. If Xbox can deliver a solid 1080p 60-120fps machine at $300, while delivering the NVME load times, I don't see how that is a mistake at all. I think its one of those things that once people see or experience the reduced load times from the next gen machines, going back to playing on old hardware is going to be very very difficult to do. Having a cheaper box available for those looking to just take advantage of that and don't care about 4k I think is a very smart option. Xbox One X production is supposedly already shutting down as well. They dropped price to $300 on Xbox One X to start trying to clear inventory, and Cyberpunk's Limited Console, which had to be delayed due to the game being delayed, is the last Special Edition Console. I'd expect later this year and going into next year, Xbox One X and Xbox One S will largely be hard to find and phased out pretty quickly.
  10. Does anyone have the upgraded Nooks Cranny that hasn't time traveled? Ive seen it shoudl be at about 30 days, but I havent had it yet.
  11. Yeah I hear ya, I have friends that never have more than a few thousand Miles and I always wondered how they don't have more. I played a ton early on but since getting a 5 star island and making a lot of money from Turnips, I haven't been playing nearly as much, so the Miles are starting to dwindle a bit. Open up your island tonight if you have Stars incoming?
  12. Well then stop farming Miles? I always had 50k+, but when I had bought everything there was to buy, all I really had to spend them on was Tickets for Trips, I just do the dailies that have bonus multiplier, and thats about it. So now I buy a few tickets a day, make a few thousand per day and it's fine.
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