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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. A good point I saw is, if Microsoft does make CoD exclusive, Sony is going to need a studio that can help them develop a competitive PvP FPS Shooter, and Bungie is one of the best in the business, and they will now be in house. Whether they develop the game themselves, or Sony gets some talent from Bungie to loan to a different studio, they can be used to help them make the next big FPS Shooter for Playstation. I think Destiny still pulls in huge numbers and pulls in a lot of revenue, but the price seems like a lot compared to Bethesda's purchase. Bungie also said everyone will have the same experience on Destiny, so still promising no "exclusive" content on one platform which is huge.
  2. So half the price of Bethesda for Bungie, interesting. Was this a move to stop MS from acquiring them, since that was a rumor not too long ago. Maybe Sony will leverage Destiny and whatever their new IP maybe for their "Spartacus" Sub service. Sony can go, we will keep Destiny multiplatform if you keep CoD Multiplatform. But it sounds like the contract was written as such that Bungie will operate pretty independently and can put games wherever they want. Really curious move.
  3. I started my Souls Marathon last month, and just finished Dark Souls 2 yesterday. I definitely think it's worth a playthrough. The Scholar of the First Sin version, which is what I'd assume you'll be playing, was a good bit challenging and fun. I think Dark Souls was overall the better game, but Dark Souls 2 is still a very good game and worth playing if you are a fan of the series. I recently played Demon Souls Remake, Dark Souls, and then Dark Souls 2, and I think I may have enjoyed it more than Demon Souls, but less than Dark Souls. Jumped into Bloodborne last night and really enjoying the faster paced combat, even if the 30fps was a bit startling at first.
  4. I figured after last year, Sony would have went to MLB and negotiated this out. Never expected that they'd get it on Game Pass again.
  5. I was going to get this Day 1, I think now I'm gonna refund my pre-order and wait for a sale. Elden Ring a week later anyway. Fuck them.
  6. Yeah, I think that is one of their ways to weasel their way to the full price, not offering a Digital Deluxe PS4 version. So they know the majority of people that care to get a game like this day 1 will want that Deluxe Pack, and will throw the xtra $20.
  7. I already posted one article saying exactly what I said. Here are others. So you should be able to buy the PS4 version from the store then upgrade it? Horizon Forbidden West will now allow players to upgrade from PS4 to PS5 for free WWW.MSN.COM "It's abundantly clear that we missed the mark," says Sony Horizon Forbidden West will get free PS4-to-PS5 upgrade after customer blowback WWW.POLYGON.COM Future PlayStation Studios titles will offer $10 next-gen upgrade fee Horizon Forbidden West's Free Upgrade Means You Shouldn't Buy The Standard PS5 Version - GameSpot WWW.GAMESPOT.COM Since Sony is offering a free upgrade for PS4 owners, there's no reason to pay the extra $10 for the PS5 version.
  8. So when you look at the store, from the PS5, it won't show you the PS4 listing. I pre-ordered a few days ago and could have sworn it was $60/$70 for Digital Deluxe but I see I was wrong and I paid the $10 PS5 fee. I think I went on Playstation Store Online I could buy the PS4 version, then maybe upgrade when it releases to the PS5 version? They should have just charged $60 for this game across the board and make good on their word, and then move on to the $70 prices. Such a shady way to conduct business.
  9. Really? I thought they walked it back and were giving this game for $60, but announced every other cross gen game would be $10 more on the PS5. So did they end up going back on this claim? 'Horizon Forbidden West' PS4 buyers will get a free PS5 upgrade after all | Engadget WWW.ENGADGET.COM Sony has backtracked and promised 'Horizon Forbidden West' PS4 buyers will get a free upgrade to the PS5 version — but don't expect that for other titles..
  10. This game is still $60 cause the backlash of promising free upgrades for "launch" games. So Digital Deluxe is $70.
  11. Keep forgetting this is a week before Elden Ring. Was trying to get through all the Souls games but might have to hit this at launch.
  12. Have u watched Power On ,the Xbox Documentary on Youtube. Mattrick is on it quite a bit. Also, Satya Nadella has beem a huge benefit to Xbox because he believes in Phil. I think Sony was overly aggressive purseuing 3rd party timed deals because they never anticipated Nadella backing up the Brinks Truck like he has for Xbox. Thats the biggest difference, Microsoft leadership is all in on gaming now.
  13. Ya the wheeled vehicles have little weight to them, its odd. They flip far too easy, and the Warthog themselves feel to weak and blow up too easy. The Ghost on the other hand is nearly indestructible. The terrain isn't very vehicle friendly either, meaning you have to often leave your Marine friends behind, who don't know how to navigate a small climb or drop down at all.
  14. If anyone was interested in the Collectors Edition, they had been sold out. It's showing PS4 and Xbox Version in stock Bandai Namco Store STORE.BANDAINAMCOENT.COM Official BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Store
  15. I think Apex and Fortnite, you spend $10, then earn $15 back. $10 for next season and $5 extra spending money. I'd assume they do at least $10 back, but will prob follow the other big players and do $15 worth in rewards. I doubt they will have them expire. You want player engagement in these F2P games, and keeping players happy and feeling rewarded goes a long way to helping that. The ill will having stuff expire just cause of digital currency wouldn't be worth the hit.
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