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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. - Flight Sim also shipped in a playable state, even on Series S. (I tried it on Series S and was pretty impressed by how good it looked for such a small box) - MLB The Show, once a Playstation exclusive, was on Game Pass Day 1. Playstation owners had to shell out $70 for it while Xbox owners with Game Pass didn't. - Death Loop is also Microsoft 1st Party title now, and nominated Game of the Year. - Xbox Game Studios games have 25 total nominations at The Game Awards, a few more than Playstation Studios games. Sony has had a very impressive first year as well though, and have acquired quite a few solid studios to add to their portfolio. They also some solid deals with some new 3rd parties like Jade Raymonds team, and that other multiplayer focused studio. That will fill the hole they have with multiplayer focused exclusives. I think both console makers should be pretty happy with their 1st years given the challenges of the pandemic.
  2. Some very good news, and quick reaction to the negative feedback. MS's teams have been great about adjusting based on feedback, so hopefully this is what to expect for the future of their franchises.
  3. Cover Reveal – Halo Infinite WWW.GAMEINFORMER.COM Master Chief is back, and we’ve got a massive look at the soon-to-release game. Halo Infinite: First Campaign Hands-On Preview - IGN WWW.IGN.COM
  4. I don't know, I've seen people argue that booby steamers get more promotion and featured space than the more legit gaming female streamers, and hurt the credibility of Twitch for other female streamers. I think Amouranth making 3x more than Pokimane, who I think was the largest female streamer on the platform, speaks to that. A girl that licks microphones simulating oral sex making 3x more in sub/bit revenue than a girl that actually play games isn't a great look.
  5. Is it a BR? Seems to just be massive PvP style Dark Zone of sorts. Does it have a closing zone? You go in, collect loot, extract? Almost like a play on Escape from Tarkov?
  6. The multiplayer seems to be in an amazing spot right now. Has really got me hyped more for campaign the more I play. Everything just feels so right from a gameplay perspective. Also, the types of maps and races and other things people will come up with in Forge focused around the Grapple are gonna be pretty fun to watch for. They've added a lot of pieces to the sandbox this time around that can create some pretty cool moments and opportunities, and Forge will bring that all out.
  7. Ya the core campaign is really well done. It's the Live Service stuff afterwards that is really poorly done.
  8. I said it's similar to Dark Souls in the sense it was based on a Stamina bar, you actually have to aim, dodge, and position during fights. Is it as in depth and intricate as Dark Souls, of course not, it's an MMO. But its a far better combat system then other MMO's I tried where its basically just clicking buttons and everything is done automatically for you, with dice rolls and auto targeting. Also, PvP is a very big core part of this game. You can entirely ignore it, but some of my experiences in this game in PvP have been some of the most fun I've had in gaming in a long time. *I haven't played many MMO's. Never interested me until this.
  9. Just about every person I know that has played this, has been hooked. Everyone has loved it. I find the combat to be pretty comparable to a Dark Souls game. There's a reason its as popular as it is, after multiple previews over the past 2 years, more and more people keep trying it, and falling in love with it. I'd say give it a shot and see for yourself. I've been sold since I first tried it.
  10. Finished this last night. Took around 11ish hours total I think. Played it on hard the entire way through and didn't have much of any issue with any of it, but the Final Boss was annoying enough that I turned it down just to finish the game. I tried maybe 8 times on Hard, and due to the nature of the fight, just didn't feel it was worth it to keep trying. Some 3rd person games I just can't stand due to the camera being a bit too zoomed in, and being unable to see your surroundings well enough. The final boss fight had enough issues that just felt cheap enough that I turned it down to Normal, and beat it pretty easily 1st try. The jump in difficulty from Normal to Hard is pretty stark. Overall I did really enjoy the game. I do think it starts to wear itself thin a bit by the end, and I was wanting it to be over. It does everything it does pretty well, but also doesn't really do anything so well that it had me wanting it to continue. There was a lot more combat than I initially wouldve thought going into the game, as I was anticipating more a Pikmin puzzle type game. Either way, it'd probably be a solid 7.5ish for me. The visuals and art style are definitely the stands outs. Combat is decent and the difficultly of the game overall was actually pretty good as it did ramp up quite a bit as the game progresses. Very solid outing from Ember Labs for their first game. Definitely a studio to keep an eye on.
  11. It's a game that prioritizes framerates, as it runs 120fps. Mutliplayer also isn't a good place to judge visuals, as you don't want all the fancy looking stuff there, you want clean maps with clear sight lines, ect. Won't be able to judge Halo visuals til the campaign really. It looks and plays great though for a multiplayer game. If the gunplay, movement, and smoothness translates to the campaign its gonna be a good time exploring that world.
  12. DIdn't read the article, but the Grapple is a Special Equipment with limited charges that you need to pick up. In this "Training" mode you spawn with it so its easy to mess around with. In game though it shouldn't be as prevalent, unless they change its usage and allow you to spawn with it.
  13. Good points. I think if they did acquire anything, they'd announce that before announcing this. So don't think there is any chance they acquired anything from Square.
  14. Ya this will definitely fuel some fire to those rumors. I mean the Japanese side of Square Enix doesn't port anything to Xbox, so no way they'd be buying all Square Enix.
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