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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. I just think it's holding some games to higher standards, which ultimately makes things seem somewhat unfair if you are trying to make review scores more relevant. If anything, Halo should always be given bonus points for having previously always had such a full suite of modes, features, ect. Like Black Ops 4 had no campaign and reviewed better than every CoD that has released since. I haven't read many of the reviews, but are these reviews basically entirely for the Campaign, or are they summarizing both the campaign and multiplayer experience.
  2. You have to compare it to other games releasing. It may not be as feature rich as previous Halo titles, but it's more feature rich than the majority of other titles dropping. If you are gonna knock Halo for not launching with co-op and Forge, then it'd only be fair to knock every other release if they don't launch with co-op multiplayer and a customizable map/level editor as well. In my opinion of course. Don't think it's fair to hold certain games up to higher standards than others. Need to judge them on an even scale if you want reviews to mean much.
  3. Supposedely we will see more Avowed and Hellblade 2. Possibly the rumored Kojima Microsoft Partnership if it exists.
  4. Doesn't PS Now already have a huge catalog of PS1, PS2, and PS3 games. It seemed like there was a huge catalog of those games when I logged on. There is no way this is introducing a way to Natively play those games, because then that'd be BC, and players should be able to play their native discs or download the games natively that they already owned digitally like Xbox does it. I personally don't see what's so new about this. It seems more of a rebranding of PS Now because it has such a bag stigma. PS4's PS Now had PS4 games release on it. so everyone already expected PS5 games to come to PS Now anyway.
  5. I'm pretty sure I read that with most of these types of games, launching is priority one for the entire team, even the Live Service team. Cosmetics, and a bunch of other things typically aren't fully ramped up until after launch. This seems to have been true of every singe Live Service game like this. First few seasons, the cosmetics and unlocks are underwhelming, then each season they add more and more, and things vastly improve. I remember the articles about Apex after Season 1, and how the game would be dead because of how lackluster the Battle Pass was, and how player counts were falling off, ect. Halo, to its credit, at least had an Event, even if its implemented poorly, that has other unlocks on top of the Battle Pass right away. I think they have a Christmas event coming up too with more cosmetic unlocks. One issue with Halo is the 6 months of Season 1. That's an eternity in the gaming space, and if they claim they can't make big changes or have any big updates, new maps/modes ect, before Season 2 in May, the game could definitely falter and lose a lot of players before them.
  6. Yeah, and if this implementation was put in from Day 1, you'd prob be Lvl 35+. The time to complete the pass shouldn't be much of an issue anymore, even for more casual players. Another quick fix would be, weekly challenges don't expire, and you can go back and complete previous weeks. Even if they remove the "Ultimate Challenge" and weekly reward, at least leave up the weekly challenges for the XP. This is a big issue, because if you miss a couple weeks of game time, it leaves you way behind on potential XP gains. With non expiring Battle Passes it's not as big a deal, but it still creates a feeling of FOMO and feeling like you need to login each week or else you'll miss out on a lot of XP, which they claimed they didn't want. Apex has this issue with its Battle Passes for a lot of seasons. If you missed a bunch of weeks, it become damn near impossible to finish a battle pass because you'd get easy Battle Pass Levels just from playing daily and weekly. If you missed a bunch of weeks, making those levels up after the fact with the XP system alone would take an eternity. You could do every weekly challenge, and still only hit Lvl 60 something, and would rely on all the Daily/Weekly Levels, plus XP gains for the rest. Luckily they've pretty much corrected this in the past 3 or so seasons.
  7. If you aren't doing challenges, then it would prob take that long. If you focus on challenges, its relatively quick, and the event challenges also give you XP towards the Battle Pass too. I haven't played all that much and hit Lvl 15 I think. It's a 6 month long battle pass, so I think the complaints about the time of progression is a bit overblow. The real issue is the challenges themselves, some are just dumb and annoying. Like you need Capture the Flag wins, but its a luck of the draw to even get into a Capture the Flag match. Stuff like that is dumb. Also a lot of the challenges should revolve around kills/assists, and not just kills. This game is meant to be a team game with team shooting, so assists should be just as valuable as a kill for a challenge.
  8. It's not PR when every business decision made since 2016 has centered on the premise of moving away from depending entirely on hardware sales, and instead, focusing on player engagement. When you can play majority of Microsoft's 1st party lineup without a PC or Console, and simply subscribe to a service and play on any phone or tablet, yeah, Hardware isn't the focus. If they prioritized hardware, they never would put their exclusives day and date on PC. They very easily could say, a year later our exclusives are coming to PC. But they didn't, because they put player engagement over hardware sales. No one has said hardware doesn't matter to them, but its very clearly not their priority, and to argue like they are in "3rd Place", or losing, because hardware sales are less, is literally 2013 thinking. It'd be like arguing Blockbuster was winning back in early 2000's because they were bigger than Netflix, while entirely ignoring the shift in consumer behavior and business models that were going on at the time. Phil Spencer has been pretty open to the fact he would be open to having their games on Playstation or Nintendo, if they allowed Game Passs. It even came out during the Apple Trial in emails he said he was still pursuing the possibility.
  9. As I said before, the kind of excitement and hype around the actual gameplay really is extremely refreshing to see. A lot saying easily one of the best PvP experiences to release in the last decade. My nephews both are too young to have grown up with Halo, but being back for Thanksgiving, I got them into it. Now they are loving it, even if they do complain about how many bullets it takes to kill someone. They have mainly played CoD, Siege, Fortnite. They said none of their friends play Halo either, but now maybe they'll get them to give it a shot.
  10. Why are people still talking about Xbox as if its a piece of hardware. It's been like 5 years since they made it pretty clear, selling hardware isn't their priority. 10 million people played Forza Horizon 5 in a week. That has been what they have been aiming for, player engagement. They dont care if you play on Game Pass, Xbox, Steam, or Stream to you phone. Stop thinking like its 2013.
  11. xCloud, now they can stream a game to try it out before committing to downloading.
  12. Benefit of Game Pass, everyone knows everyone else will have access to multiplayer titles when they hit.
  13. Im curious of the Season 2 date they are giving is a worse case scenario. Under promise, over deliver. Say it wont be out for 6 months, then suprise everyone 3 months early with the update. 6 months seems like a long time for something like this.
  14. I read its due to the new open world nature of the game, and how to implement different systems like autosaves, respawns, ect. Like do you tether different players near each other or let them all roam free to tackle whatever they want. Do they teleport players if one is about to start some kind of mission and the others are farther away. How to balance the campaign around multiple playere in an open world format. More enmies, stronger enemies? There have been enough open world type coop games though that it doesnt seem like itd be all that complex.
  15. Last night was Halo's first competitive open qualifier for its Competitive scene. Since it's dropped, Halo has completely owned my Twitter timeline, much to my surprise. I didn't think it'd be quite as popular right away. I never really followed much competitive gaming scenes, but in recent years have followed some FNCS, and Apex's ALGS. I watched some of yesterday, and do find following the Arena style competitive gameplay a lot harder to follow than a BR, but it was still intense at times and entertaining. The amount of enthusiasm around Halo right now is infectious. They have really nailed just about everything about the game, (other than the progression). Guess that year delay really did the team well, it really does feel like Halo is back.
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