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Everything posted by johnny

  1. I think his arm got fucked up because of the snap but I don’t remember
  2. Omg read the title and post as one sentence
  3. I have no problem with this but I do have a problem with people telling others what to do like they know about your family
  4. The people that say “some people aren’t lucky enough to have their mothers so you better appreciate them” like they assume they know about your relationship with your mother. Like okay i dont have a bad relationship with my mother so im supposed to do what you say? Fuck off
  5. Just got back from seeing it. I enjoyed it but your mileage may vary depending on if you like Pokémon or not. Definitely has some issues but as a Pokémon fan there was a ton for me to enjoy.
  6. Chris Paul doesn’t deserve a ring
  7. These are the moments when publicly executing politicians sounds like a decent solution
  8. If rockets win tomorrow all 3 will be on Sunday
  9. If it wasn’t for college I wouldn’t even have friends. I haven’t hung out with coworkers since I was 19.
  10. Ghost is going to show up last second and kill The Mountain
  11. She looks awesome. I hate almost all CW shows so not getting my hopes up with this.
  12. I think I have been cheated on but I don’t actually know for sure. We were breaking up anyways and she was a liar so whatever. Never cheated. Funny, the girl who I think cheated on me told everybody I cheated on her
  13. Doesn’t Dr Strange establish that there is a multiverse? I just don’t want them to get too multiverse happy because it becomes an easy way to explain things they want to do
  14. Yeah, it honestly probably would have been a mistake for Cersei to attack a small number of them. And Cersei doesn’t give a shit about the city and people so she may feel like she has a better chance of killing the dragon if she can provoke Dany into raging out.
  15. Honestly I don’t think winterfell was big enough for them to CGI over 100k people. They have shown less than there actually are which sucks but if they’re saying there’s still a lot left then there are a lot left
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