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Everything posted by johnny

  1. Ghost is going to show up last second and kill The Mountain
  2. She looks awesome. I hate almost all CW shows so not getting my hopes up with this.
  3. I think I have been cheated on but I don’t actually know for sure. We were breaking up anyways and she was a liar so whatever. Never cheated. Funny, the girl who I think cheated on me told everybody I cheated on her
  4. Doesn’t Dr Strange establish that there is a multiverse? I just don’t want them to get too multiverse happy because it becomes an easy way to explain things they want to do
  5. Yeah, it honestly probably would have been a mistake for Cersei to attack a small number of them. And Cersei doesn’t give a shit about the city and people so she may feel like she has a better chance of killing the dragon if she can provoke Dany into raging out.
  6. Honestly I don’t think winterfell was big enough for them to CGI over 100k people. They have shown less than there actually are which sucks but if they’re saying there’s still a lot left then there are a lot left
  7. Drogon was able to dodge the NK and the scorpions so he’s obviously better than the other dragons. Also im not sure if Cersei knows how large Dany’s actual army is at the moment.
  8. WOW! That first episode was amazing. I feel sick watching these fucks in suits screw everything up. 3.6 roentgens “not good, not horrible” sir our big boy one broke but this other one goes to 200 and was maxed out “you’re fuckin lying”
  9. Other places people who have seen the spoilers are tipping off what might happen. Like they’re not trying to spoil it but they’re hinting at shit when they talk because of what they know. I wanna kick them in the dick. Don’t speculate with everybody else if you read the spoilers smfh
  10. Bronn can travel faster by himself than Jon with an army but yeah it doesn’t line up. I think Bronn got there in like, 4 days at most?
  11. I pointed out you were bitching about something they talked about in the show. No need for any glasses
  12. I’m pretty sure Cersei is baiting Dany into torching innocent people. Or at least making the first move in front of the people so people see Dany in a bad light and Cersei as the person protecting them.
  13. Miserable book people would be okay because they would assume GRRM would make everything perfect and fleshed out so that his version would be awesome but the books will never come out so the show is all they get!
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