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Everything posted by johnny

  1. I’m shocked that Edge showed up. He was my favorite
  2. Man I haven’t been able to really do anything all day. This has me fucked up.
  3. Kobe was really destined to do some great things post-NBA career. He was a big advocate of the WNBA and worked hard to grow the game of women’s basketball. Dude even won an Oscar. Not to mention everything his daughter could have accomplished as well as the others on board. Doc Rivers was right when he said not many have the same DNA as him. Kobe was special.
  4. This is a huge loss for the sports world and for Los Angeles as well. Kobe was LA sports. He transcended the game. People on ESPN are crying. It’s very insensitive to not understand why people are crying over a guy they didn’t personally know, because you don’t need to KNOW somebody for them to have an impact on your life. I grew up watching Kobe play. It’s very shocking to hear this news. My thoughts with the families affected. Two families lost a parent and daughter and millions feel the loss of somebody who inspired them, or at the least enjoyed watching play.
  5. Kathleen Kennedy is fine. She understands that film is a director’s medium which is why JJ and Rian got as much freedom as they did. The only problem is that she gave JJ too much freedom to finish out the trilogy instead of worrying about whether or not what he was doing made sense. I think she has learned from the missteps of the franchise like stopping the A Star Wars Story movies. If you want more Marvel style just stick to the The Mandalorian where it wouldn’t be obvious to tell which episode Taika directed because it’s TV. Star Wars will be fine with KK in charge.
  6. I love both movies. I’m sorry you can’t look past the surface of a film.
  7. All Jonah hill wants to do in that movie is have sex. if all you look at is plot structure I totally see how you think it’s pretty much the same movie. But fortunately there is much more to Booksmart than that. Comparing it directly to a movie about horny teenage boys is pretty lame. it’s also sad that a female-led movie is being constantly compared to a male-led movie.
  8. I’ll believe that when I actually see that. Guardians 1 and 2 are the most unique marvel movies and I don’t think they’re that unique (but 1 and 2 are my favorites). Black Widow looks super generic marvel so hopefully the eternals can feel a bit different. I’m all for it if what he says is true.
  9. The reason everybody just calls it Superbad is because we never get great comedies like this anymore. It has the same basic plot of graduating seniors partying before graduation but it’s not really the same movie. A movie doesn’t have to have a completely new premise for it to be considered original and fresh
  10. There’s no reason for people to be mad about Rogan endorsing Bernie. Asking Bernie to refuse the endorsement is ridiculous. Joe Rogan is somewhat problematic but he’s friendly, empathizes with people, is open minded (LIKES having challenging discussions), and honest about his faults. I do think he gives a little too much shine to alt right ideas and he has that comedian mentality when it comes to offending people, but he also gives a lot of time to the liberal side of things. Plus his episode where he totally pisses off Steven Crowder is gold. I think Rogan speaks to a lot of people who don’t consider themselves conservatives or liberals.
  11. The obi-wan news feels like non-news with how common production delays are. Now if it kept getting delayed, that’d be news. Lol at IoE going straight for KK.
  12. Just Mercy 4/5 - Formulaic for sure, but I really enjoyed it. And as a bonus, I think it's easily digest-able for a younger audience (not kids but like teens and pre-teens)
  13. I’d be happy with any of the nominees winning best picture except FvF which has no buzz so all good.
  14. We’re so used to people like collinsworth sucking his dick that we are tired of it
  15. Over 40k people on Letterboxd rated it 4/5 or higher. Critics were more favorable towards it than not.
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