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Everything posted by johnny

  1. I mean Roma was also nominated for best picture last year and would have won if there were less angry white people who hate Netflix in the academy
  2. Yeah, I’ve never heard a single person irl say they dislike Bernie. Even when I talk to a republican they respect how consistent he has been lol. I am in Cali though.
  3. I love how the weird loyal DNC people are mad that Bernie doesn’t “unite” the Democratic Party.
  4. But if they release more scenes then that’ll just be more shitty Star Wars content for us to complain about
  5. sometimes bernie bros can be assholes but sometimes they're dealing with morons scared of the s-word who want to cling onto their shitty insurance so i dont blame them all the time.
  6. I read Beowulf because it was one of our readings in middle school. It was good, at least in my 12 year old mind it was lol. Never read this other one.
  7. What was the movies budget after having to re-do Sonic? That’d be impressive if they made a nice profit after that fuck up.
  8. except they are lying cheaters so we can’t believe that’s as far as they went. They may have admitted to SOME of the cheating so that way they wouldn’t get as large of a punishment and didn’t reveal the stuff that they didn’t think could be proven.
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