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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. That is one thing I thought about. Like, the premise of the world would be more plausible if this was like... 2 years after infection, not 20. After 20 years, even if the fungal infection was still around, the idea that the infected humans still outnumber humans would be crazy. Every zombie universe has that problem, though. It's similar to the slight problem I have with the Fallout universe. Like, those games are supposed to take place ~200 years after the nuclear apocalypse, but aside from skeletons being everywhere, everything looks like it just got nuked last Tuesday.
  2. One thing I'll say is that the game is only, like, kind of an RPG, even though they use that term in the marketing. Your choices in the story don't really seem to actually affect anything, and the skill tree is very, very light. Basically, if you don't think Assassin's Creed: Origins is an RPG, then neither is this game. Still fun as fuck, though. Just saying I don't imagine you'll get a whole lot from doing multiple playthroughs or anything. Maybe you could try one where you do a whole playthrough where you put all your points in stealth or something, but even then it's a stretch.
  3. I played a couple hours last night before going to bed. I was having a blast. I was curious how the spells would work, but so far it's really intuitive. You have your basic pew-pew blasty spell that you use to deal basic damage, then special spells to do things like break armor, etc. Also, the world feels so alive. And the music is great. I may not be the biggest fan of the HP movies, but one thing those movies had was incredible music that really fits the atmosphere, and the game's music is definitely a great callback to it.
  4. I was going to wait to play it because I'm playing Final Fantasy X and I just got to the point in the game where all there is to do is the terrible, awful side quests.... so I decided to bit the bullet and give Hogwarts a shot early.
  5. I had the same problem and I've never gone back to the game. I was expecting an edgier Zelda, but instead it plays far more like Devil May Cry or God of Wa, which I wasn't in the mood for. I haven't ever gone back to the game.
  6. Whatever I feel about JK Rowling can't take away my love for Harry Potter. And I'm not going to not play a game because J.K. Rowling gets money from it. She may have some shitty views, but buying a copy of a game hat she gets a small percentage of isn't the same as supporting Kim Jong Un or something. The entertainment industry is absolutely riddled with horrible people, and almost everything we consume supports them in one way or another. but I also understand why people wouldn't want to support it.
  7. It very well could be, I was just responding to the idea that it could even just be an average game and I'd still play the shit out of it.
  8. I don't know if I can really get hyped about this. Dragon Age: Origins is one of my favorite games of all time, then EA was immediately like "we'll never make THAT kind of game again," so they made Dragon Age II. That game kind of sucked/was rushed, so they made Dragon Age: Inquisition, which If I'm being really honest reeeeeaally wasn't that fun? It felt like the game had a lot of busy work to pad out the run time. I wanted to love it so much at the time, but in retrospect I'm like... it was okay. When EA bought BioWare, they did that thing big companies do where they buy another company because they want to sell their products, but then they tell that company to stop making those products.
  9. That's how I felt when that Game of Thrones RPG came out in 2013. Was it a good game? Not particularly, but I played the shit out of it nonetheless.
  10. Why do you still keep it on your wishlist? I've had games on my wishlist for years and years that go on sale all the time, and I still don't buy them even when they're on sale for $5 or $7. Most of the time, it's because it's a game in a series that I need to catch up on. For example, Arkham Knight goes on sale all the time, but I still haven't played Arkham City or Arkham Origins.
  11. I'm rewatching the first couple episodes because... well, because, and the attention to detail is incredible. Like, in the third episode, Joel says that the fungus got likely spread through stuff like flour. The first episode has Joel and his daughter narrowly avoiding carbs. They don't have any pancake mix for breakfast and Joel forgets to buy a cake for his birthday. Joel's daughter gets distracted during school because someone's hand is twitching. There's all kinds of shit that gets referenced/paid off later that you don't even really think about at the time. Edit: Oh, I forgot about the biscuits they refused to eat and that Joel's daughter refused. Okay, maybe it's not so subtle, but it's still a fun thing to go back to after you learn that the fungus likely spread through flour or sugar.
  12. I've never played the games. I didn't even know it had zombies. Or maybe I did know that once upon a time and forgot. I've been having an absolute blast with the show. I thought of watching the games on YouTube, but decided I'd rather keep myself in the dark.
  13. There's some historical inaccuracies, but I don't think they get in the way of the narrative. The Germans were not, under any circumstances, ordering offensives in October/November 1918. They also would have very well known what a fucking tank was. The last soldier to die on the western front in WW1 was actually an American named Henry Gunther. He had gotten demoted/penalized for deserting his post or something, and on the last day of the war he Leroy Jenkins'd a German machine gun nest while everyone around, even the Germans in the nest, were yelling at him to stop. I've never read the book, but the moral of the story is "try telling the boys who fucking died that it was all quiet on the western front," and I think the movie hit it pretty hard.
  14. I almost always sit to pee when I'm at home. It's the objectively superior way to pee.
  15. There was this dive bar I used to go to, and on my days off I would go there at like 9am for breakfast and liquor. They played The Price is Right on TV every day, and there would be a whole crowd of crusty old fucks watching it every day. It was so enjoyable that watching The Price is Right with those salty bastards became part of my weekend routine. I'd get off work late on Tuesday night, take a little nap at home, then head to the bar at 9/9:30 to eat some eggs and potatotes and catch some Price is Right with the homies before going back home and going to bed. Those were good times.
  16. It's because you secretly are a sweet little soy boy. You don't want to admit it, but you secretly do want to paint your nails and admit that socialism is kind of okay soemtimes. And, you know what, gosh dangit, My Chemical Romance made some bangers...
  17. Tbh I haven't painted my nails in like 6-8months until today, it feels like @Biggie just knew it was happening. Is that a sign that he should paint his nails?
  18. I'm literally painting my nails right now.
  19. I find it interesting that streaming services want to shoot themselves in the foot on this one. As a general rule, people WILL pay for content if it's easy and cheap enough to do so. Spotify damn near eliminated music pirating. Netflix and Hulu, while I wouldn't go that far, significantly reduced movie pirating (I can certainly tell you that resources for pirating movies are nowhere near what they were 10 years ago) I understand that finding new avenues of growth for a company that is already so saturated into the market as Netflix is almost impossible, but I think that maaaaybe transitioning to a more sustainable business model is probably a better idea than making your product more inconvenient. The more inconvenient you make your product, the more people simply won't use it. If pirating is only marginally more inconvenient, people will just do that.
  20. Has it already surpassed Brett Favre levels, where every time he got sacked the entire audience just winced?
  21. I've never played the game so I don't have anything to compare it to, but holy fuck that episode was incredible.
  22. There's a story to be told about how pagan religions are for the most part like "idk dude shit just happens I guess" vs. how monotheistic religions insist on placing meaning in suffering. Like, not all pagan societies have been egalitarian, but 100% of monotheistic societies place value on the status quo and your suffering in life is directly proportional to your reward in the afterlife. I don't think I'm the one to tell that story, but someone should. Like in this story. It's just like "I don't know, we were chilling and dude just came in my butt.' I'm 14 and this is deep.
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