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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. Yeah, imagine exactly that, but the size of a Pomeranian
  2. I just don't like taking a camera out in public spaces. Maybe that makes me weird.
  3. My great grandpappy died in a mining collapse in Wyoming. Or maybe it was his dad... I can't remember. One of those assholes. They were all long dead by the time I was born.
  4. I'm generally opposed to public pictures I just learned that you can google "pomsky" though, and it pretty much looks like this Just this one is much more fluffy and smaller.
  5. Hagrids dad didn't die DIRECTLY from death by snu-snu, but like... Come on, that had to play a part, right? Also they never say what house Hagrid belonged to, but it's certainly hinted that he was in Slytherin. Kind of lore breaking tbh
  6. ... who was the top in that coupling? Surely, in cases like that, people are doing artificial insemination, right? Surely? Is that how that works? Dog breeds should be abolished.
  7. They want whatever version of the "good old days" they hold in their minds back. Manufacturing jobs are gone and will never come back in large numbers. Can't compete with workers in another country who will work for a couple bucks a day. You can't put the globalism genie back in the bottle. Coal jobs haven't left completely yet, but they also will never come back in large numbers. Isn't the stat like Arby's employs more people in the United States than the entire coal industry? Fucking grifter Republicans keep selling these people on a dream of a better yesterday that will never happen again. And the only reason they even remember it fondly was because their parents were all union workers who had to fight and scrap for every last cent. The same Republican politicians who want to bring coal back also want to bring back company towns.
  8. I've been celebrating actually being able to play games again (and also mostly taking the last 2 weeks and change off work). I've knocked out 4 so far 1) Assassin's Creed Valhalla - 7/10 Teeeeechnically it was still December 31st when I beat this one, but... close enough. The game has essentially the same gameplay loop as AC Origins and Odyssey, both of which were amazing, but dear GOD did Valhalla wear out its welcome. Maybe it's because the characters all felt so bland, but the game just felt like busy work. I spent the last ~30 hours just going "fuck, please, whyyyyyy does there have to be one more mission?" I didn't complete the Ireland DLC and never even touched the France DLC. I spent over a hundred hours in the game already and I was fucking done by like hour 65. It's a testament to what Ubisoft has built with the AC series that simply running around toy versions of historical settings is enough to keep me playing a game for like 40 hours after I stopped really having fun with it. 2) Tales of Arise - 7/10 Again, just kind of... alright. There was a lot of hype around this game, I was kind of expecting more from it. I've played almost every Tales game released in the west, and this one wouldn't even crack my top 5. It's not a *bad* game by any means, but, but it felt lazy and the main character kind of sucked. 3) Horizon: Zero Dawn - 8.5/10 Probably would be higher if it didn't have some technical issues/clunkiness. I stopped trying to use mounts about halfway through because using mounts caused the game to crash fairly frequently. Also the stealth stuff is very, very clunky. But, other than that, great game. It says a lot that it was an open world collectathon game that never felt like it wore out its welcome, which 90% of them do. Especially only two weeks after playing AC: Valhalla. After Valhalla, I was kind of hesitant to even start the game because I felt like I would just get burnt out, but I didn't. 4) Ys Origin - 8/10 After so many big games in a row, I kind of wanted to dial it back a bit. Ys Origin is an action RPG that takes place entirely within one dungeon. You can choose between 2 main characters - Yunica, who plays like a typical hack n' slash action RPG character, or Hugo, who plays almost more like a bullet hell game. That was kind of fun. Some of the older Ys titles play around with genre-bending like that - it's mostly an action RPG, but then you'll have a random boss fight where the camera pulls out to top-down mode and you can only use ranged attacks, so it basically turns into a top-down shooter. It was interesting to see them go full-boar with a character who basically plays that way the whole game. I did my first playthrough on hard with Yunica (melee combat), my second playthrough on easy with Hugo (ranged combat), and my last one with mystery character on VERY easy because I didn't really care anymore. Technically the "true" ending is the one with mystery character, and you need to play through the game at least once to unlock them. But if you like Ys games as much as I do, just give it a whack with all three, you'll have a blast. Each playthrough takes between 7-9 hours, depending on your difficulty (it's probably a lot longer than that on Nightmare. I did one run in 9 hours on hard, but I was playing with a guide)
  9. Those are the worst games, imo - the games that are juuuuust fun enough to keep you playing, but you hate yourself the whole time.
  10. If it's something that can be discussed through text, just text me. If it's something that has to be discussed over the phone, text me what you want to talk to me about, otherwise I'm not answering. The only people I ever answer the phone for are my family (because it's usually an emergency if they're calling me in the first place) or my boss (because both of us are fully aware of points 1 and 2, so if he's calling me, I know it's something he can't really type out or needs an answer on right away) Generally speaking, I do not answer my phone when people call me. If I don't know you, fuck off, if I do know you, text me what you want to talk about and I'll call you back. My phone is like a glorified pager, basically.
  11. My parents are now hostages in Iran and I can't do anything about it, but the peanuts are great. 4/10
  12. So... One of the main reasons why inc wealthome tax became a thing was tied to prohibition. In 1910, something like 25% of the federal government's revenue came from alcohol excise taxes. Therefore prohibition meant a drastic cut in government revenue, hence income tax. The thing is that the rich almost immediately found ways to just not pay income tax, because they don't really make "income" the way the rest of us do. Their wealth is based on assets and leverage to the point that it's easy to dodge taxes because they never "make" money, they just own things, which they never pay taxes on. I would be very interested to see how the GOP plans on keeping up the military budget without income tax that doesn't involve massively taxing the rich in ways we haven't seen before. Since we know that a drop in military budget isn't an option, I kind of weirdly see this as a net win for the people z regardless of how they fuck it up. There really isn't a better way to fuck over poor people than having the primary source of revenue for the government by income tax that the rich basically don't pay. So, I dunno... I'm intrigued. I wonder if the GOP is backing themselves into a position that unintentionally hurts the rich and helps the poor simply because you cannot get rid of income tax without either massively reducing the military budget or taxing the rich, both of which are objectively good things.
  13. In some cities the boundary between "good internet" and "prehistoric internet" is sometimes a simple street. I also only pay $550/month in rent, so... You can't have everything, I guess.
  14. Hell, the first time tha thappened for me was Empire: Total War, and that came out well over a decade ago. I bought the game at the store and it was pretty much a steam code with a box. I was very confused.
  15. Sorry to hear that. As much as you shit on my content, I never actually wish ill on you or anyone you love, and if I ever cross that line, feel free to correct me.
  16. When no one else can do the job, just do it yourself (Kidding please don't kill yourself. Remember that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem)
  17. 5 actually. Depending on what counts as "murder." 5 people who were shot to death. I didn't want to put it in the OP because I didn't want it to seem like a kill score/dick measuring contest
  18. Slow. My internet now is 30mbps on a good day, any faster than that and I'd have to pay half my rent. Steam caps out at about 4mbps.
  19. The best internet I ever had was when I paid $20/week for Cox in New Orleans. There was no plan, just "pay us $20, we'll give you internet for a week." It was the only time in my life I had truly fast internet. Further proof that the whole thing is a fucking grift.
  20. The thing is, I don't think of the "worst game I've ever played" as actually the worst. If a game actively sucks, I'll stop playing it. The worse crime is even a game is juuuust good enough that I play through the whole thing only to hate myself at the end. True crime: streets of LA was a great example. I'd also say Just Cause 3. Mad Max is another one. I haven't played it, but I hear that Days Gone is cut of a similar cloth.
  21. I'm well used to people cutting cocaine with diarrhetics and shit, that's been happening since the dawn of time. That's something that you fully expect going in, like, yeah, this "cocaine" is probably 50% baby laxative. A coworker of mine died in late 2020 because someone put fentanyl in his cocaine. Who fucking does that?! That's one of the reasons I don't do drugs anymore. You never know what kind of shit is in there, and not in a fun way. Even back when I took ecstasy, it was sort of a grab bag of random chemicals, but you could be 99.999% sure that nothing in there would kill you. I think I remember reading (so basically fact) that a potentially fatal overdose of fentanyl is like half a gram. If it's mixed into cocaine... Good night. I've done an eight ball just to myself in one night.
  22. However you want. I know one person who committed suicide by cop after he murdered his wife, so... Does that count? He was definitely shot to death, but he was also firing back. So... Was he murdered? Kind of depends on your criteria. I've always wanted to pick the brain of the officer who shot him. Of course I would never actually do that because I'm not a monster, but I relive that night in my head all the time. I want to know what he thinks. He shot a cop before he got gunned down, so legally it was absolutely not murder (the cop survived), but like...
  23. A recent conversation got me curious about this. I will refrain from my own experience until at least a few people have responded.
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