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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. What really sucks about Star Fox Zero is that it was a phenomenal Star Fox games crippled by terrible controls. It's the number one Wii U game that I think would do really well with a Switch port.
  2. No, that was Major, the one of Biden's two dogs that was a rescue. He's also a German Shepherd.
  3. ‘Perfect Strangers’: Robin Thede & London Hughes To Lead Reboot Of ‘80s Comedy In The Works At HBO Max DEADLINE.COM Perfect Strangers, the 1980s sitcom starring Mark Linn-Baker and Bronson Pinchot, is the latest classic comedy to get a reboot – with Robin Thede and London Hughes set as leads. The project, which … This will likely be terrible to a degree that is hard to put in words, but it's also Robin Thede and she's great. I'm very conflicted here.
  4. Here's my take... Daredevil - Strong start, weak and racist finish. Jessica Jones - Would have been better if Netflix has realized they could just make seasons shorter. Season 2? I don't believe you. Luke Cage - if you only have Mahershala Ali contracted for like 8 episodes then you make an 8 episode season. There was more after the first season? Shut up. Iron Fist - I don't know what this is and you can't make me remember. The Punisher - Not bad, but holy shit Netflix. Every season doesn't have to be so long. Defenders - Thank you for finally realizing you can make a short season. I'm sure it only happened because their editors were threatening to kill themselves. Agents of SHIELD - Slow start, but great middle. Once they realize that Marvel had left them out to dry they did their own thing. That sometimes worked phenomenally. It sometimes didn't. Agent Carter - Good, but also too long. Entirely forgettable. Inhumans - This never happened. It's a fever dream that you think it did. Runaways - Fantastic up until they ran away. It kind of lost itself in CW melodrama one that happened. Cloak & Dagger - The only one I haven't actually seen a single episode of. Casting looked good...I guess. Legion - Absolutely a fever dream of the best kind. I can honestly barely remember any of it, but I think that was from the contact high.
  5. Remember that scene at the end of the last season of Iron Fist? I don't remember it either, but I'm pretty sure that's because the TVA bombed that timeline out of existence.
  6. You can do that? That's it, I'm turning my backyard into a tomato farm.
  7. What about the format does Sony view as worthless?
  8. Yeah, if Sony thought they were getting their money's worth from E3, they'd put up with it even if higher ups thought it was out dated.
  9. The Pokemon Company skipped E3 this year. Honestly, they might be done with E3. They didn't exactly have a good time at 2019's E3 with toxic fans harassing employees over Dexit.
  10. That's not fair, though. Only Nintendo would make fans wait nearly two decades for the next installment of a story they started telling 35 years ago. This is worse than waiting for new chapters of Berserk. Oh great, now I'm sad.
  11. This right here. E3 was originally meant for sharing the state of the industry and showing off a few things to the press. That turned into this whole media frenzy as magazines and shitty Internet connections created an environment where gamers, voracious for any news they could get, would stand by and watch the E3 coverage as it came in. Nowadays, YouTube is a thing. Twitch is a thing. Facebook is a thing. Traditional media outlets are suffering. Nintendo hosted their E3 Direct from their own YouTube channel. Gone are the days where we'd watch a camera feed of E3 presentations and then wait for a few hours to get full resolution videoclips of the trailers because it was the only way these companies could get our attention. When Nintendo announced the Switch, Google dropped it as the breaking news in my news feed. Google provided me directly with a link to the presentation on YouTube. I didn't have to go through some other website to get the news. I got it straight from Nintendo. That's why all this traditional press is suffering. This is why celebrities go eat spicy hot wings, play carpool karaoke, or whatever stupid game Fallon has lined up. If we wanted to know what was going on in a celebrity's life we could just find out via Instagram. This is like people arguing that the post-game press conferences are good or actually important. They aren't. The only reason they still exist is because an increasingly smaller number of people think they should.
  12. Sony started skipping E3 years ago. COVID was not a factor in their decision. E3 only exists today because gamers think it's important, not because it actually matters to the industry at large. That's why nobody unveils their consoles at E3 anymore. Do you like GamePass? Would you stop liking it if Microsoft improved it, but also just stopped giving a fuck about E3? That's a silly question and that's why thinking E3 matters to the big guys that pay for most of it is silly.
  13. I had completely forgotten there was going to be a Monsters Inc TV series.
  14. Now I feel old. I remember this ad getting me to beg my parents to buy the first game for me. It was sold out, so my mother got me Rad Racer because it was 3D... That's why my first time playing Metroid was a rental...from a local barbershop that inexplicably also rented games. The 80s were weird.
  15. Pokémon Unite MOBA coming this summer WWW.POLYGON.COM Oh, and Lucario does a slam dunk I guess you can get it this summer, free to play, first on Switch and then followed by releases on iOS and Android.
  16. There still could be a release of the Prime Trilogy on Switch, but there's no way Nintendo shoots themselves in the foot by announcing that game before Dread and and hurting sales there. You should totally play Fusion, though. It's a phenomenal game. It's wild to think that the last not-prequel Metroid game was released on the GBA. Five games over 35 years to tell the story of Samus and the metroids. I do hope Nintendo doesn't take another 35 years to tell the next Samus story.
  17. The sequel did still have them, but if I remember correctly, they replaced the helicopter scenes with car chases. I wasn't a fan as I actually liked the helicopter parts. Who could forget Seaman? I wish Sega would reboot this series as a mobile game.
  18. Indie devs don't have the money to support a giant show like E3. Indies get better press being showcased in Nintendo's Indie World Direct than something like E3. Yeah, I get that the press likes E3. I'm never going to dispute that, but the press isn't paying for E3. If the event doesn't provide a tangible benefit to the people that fund it, why would they bother? Sony is saving the money and Nintendo is spending less every year. Trade shows are really expensive. Putting together a demo for E3 that exists as it's own entity that is often built outside of the actual game itself is really expensive. You know what's a lot cheaper? Just inviting press to come to you to check out a game when it's ready. Sounds like a better plan that hoping you're shoddily put together demo gets bad press at E3. Let's make this easy. What benefit do publishers get from E3 outside of "good press"? Do their games sell any better? What tangible thing has Sony missed out on after skipping E3 for so many years? Is the PS5 selling poorly? Are they failing to move copies of Miles Morales? I get that you're telling me that I'm talking without providing any evidence, but I don't know what to tell you. Publishers only care about their bottom line, and if pumping millions into trade shows isn't helping, why should they bother to share the spot light with everyone else when there's a perfectly good week anywhere else in the calendar? Is the PS5 selling poorly? Last I checked they're still selling as fast as Sony can pump them out, so if they're getting bad press I have yet to see how it's affecting them.
  19. If those floating sky islands came up from underground, then the Hyrule we have to explore could be the same Hyrule, but just ripped apart and shifted around.
  20. Why pay for a shared spotlight when you can have it all to yourself in July or August or October or whenever? Small companies and indies banding together to create a larger social media presence is key for them. I'm not subscribing to Gamious on YouTube, but I caught their trailer for Lake on Wholesome Games.
  21. You are correct that I have nothing to back up my claims. All I'm going off of it's the fact that the console manufacturers are putting more effort into their own events. Microsoft announced the Series X at the Games Award Show. Sony here their own Future of Gaming event. Nintendo had they're own unveiling Direct. Just answer me this. What do the major publishers get from E3 that they couldn't get from just holding a virtual event? Favorable press coverage? Is IGN not going to cover the next Forza because Microsoft didn't give them a demo at E3? It's Giant Bomb not going to cover Final Fantasy XVI news of it isn't announced at E3? E3 mattered back when streaming this stuff online was difficult and it was easier to show communicate with the press in person than over the phone. These days, I haven't been to the office in over a year, productivity is through the roof, and I still know when my coworkers get haircuts because I still see their faces multiple times a day. We're the only nerds that actually pay attention to any of this stuff. There just happens to be a large enough collection of nerds to be upset of companies start skipping E3. The only value it provides is not upsetting the fans that think it provides value. Just look at the backlash Nintendo got when it said it was going to be skipping E3 a number of years back...not that it had any impact at all on coverage or sales. Sony skipped E3...again. how many years has it been since Sony bothered with E3? Did anyone here actually care? Has it hurt PS5 coverage or sales?
  22. Indie devs are already banding together to put on their own shows. There was the wildly massive Indie Live Expo from last week. Also, allow me to remind everyone, once more, of the phenomenal Wholesome Direct. They hold shorter presentations for games multiple times a year. Even then, indie devs were getting more mileage from events like PAX than things like E3 where they get lost among all the major game announcements. When I say cranky gamers, I mean these major companies are only making a half baked effort to show up at these events because gamers think events like E3 matter...only to then bitch about how so little is being unveiled at these events. I'll say it right here; it would be stupid for any major developer to unveil a brand new AAA title at E3. Is the press not going to cover the game of the game is unveiled at their own event, distanced from the E3 chatter? Nintendo didn't unveil the Switch until months after E3. That didn't hurt coverage or sales, so what would they have gained from unveiling of earlier? It could be a big old gaming celebration, but we have conventions likes PAX for that. If you're arguing that E3 should be refocus from being a press event to a gaming convention, then yes. I'm all for that. Publishers are still going to shy away from making it their premier event, but the name can stay around for nostalgic reasons.
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