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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. I haven't been an artist for almost twenty years. If I was less scrupulous, maybe I could scan some of my old work and NFT them.
  2. I hate that I'm not morally corrupt enough to enjoy the crypto or MAGA grift.
  3. So like regular microtransactions, but like worse for the environment.
  4. There's this one under a bridge. I have to come flying in from the hillside, but the angle makes no sense. Tharlt final race was quite something. I needed to stretch halfway through.
  5. My math could be really wrong as it was dirty and ask that was keeping me awake while in a very boring meeting. It was based on the study I linked to previously that states gun death rates rise by 13% for every additional 10% of households that have a gun. In theory, you should be able to shrink that down to the county level.
  6. Not really. In the US, you have a 0.3% chance of being shot and killed. Look at the gun ownership rate for your state. If 50% of households in your state own a gun, then that 0.3% becomes 1.95% for anyone loving in the house.
  7. You aren't wrong, but we're likely still many decades away from repealing the second amendment. Still, it would likely be less than the current rate if everyone adopted Massachusetts-style gun laws. The reason for that is the fact that the vast majority of guns found in Massachusetts come from out of state. Everything north of Massachusetts is basically wilderness, so guns migrate down during the winter. Of course, that only helps with the 2% I mentioned earlier. The 13% increase is still household gun deaths and those include suicide. Most gun deaths in Massachusetts are from suicide.
  8. I'm not even convinced you have to go that far. If every state adopted the gun laws from here in Massachusetts, not only would this country be safer, but Mexico would also become a safer country. It's hilariously insane to me that the same politicians that cry about dangerous cartels in Mexico are the same politicians whose lax gun control is arming those same cartels.
  9. In all fairness, those numbers don't really exist since it's a topic half the people in this country have fought against looking into. The closest we can get are studies comparing gun ownership rates to gun homicide rates. Firearm Ownership and Domestic Versus Nondomestic Homicide in the U.S. - ScienceDirect WWW.SCIENCEDIRECT.COM Gun ownership is associated with firearm mortality, although this association differs across victim–offender relationships. This study examines the re… Looks like for every 10% increase in the gun ownership rate, there's a 13% increase in homicide rates for household members, but only a 2% increase in homicide rates for non-household members. This means that the large increase in gun deaths seen when you compare, say, Massachusetts with it's very low gun ownership rates versus Texas with his higher rates, can be attributed to members of households that own guns.
  10. That's my point. Let's drive it on further. They managed to find a Native American deaf amputee to play Echo. The right actors exist. You just need to be willing to cast them. Finding them is easy. Hell, they found the right person for Iron Fist and just choose not to. Lewis Tan was up for the role, but they decided they wanted a white dude.
  11. Finn Jones is a fine actor. This is Marvel TV. It's not high art or anything. I get that the first season was short on time, but everything outside of the occasional dramatic bit did not work. Let's not even talk about being able to sell a punch. The series was seemingly built around his inability to look like a great martial artist. I get that you can't expect that from every actor, but Netflix also had the ability to cast any actor for the role. I would gladly take less great drama chops for an actor that can actually sell a kick. He only ever worked for me when he was playing along side one of the other leads, like in Defenders...only that cross over series was pretty bland in its own right. His best chance would have been in a potential Heroes for Hire series, but that's another one of the dustbin series we never got. I gave up on Iron Fist like half way into season 2. I'm reading a quick synopsis of the first half of season 2 right now to try and refresh my memory, and I ask don't remember any of it.
  12. For the most part, I think Netflix did an amazing job with casting...outside of Finn Jones. He was awful. A lot of Iron First casting missed for me, but I guess that's what happens when a racist dude is in charge of a series that borrows a heaping ton from various Asian cultures. The only one that can come back from that series is Jessica Henwick, but I do believe it saw that she and Mike Colter turned down coming back to the MCU. Still kind of salty Netflix didn't last long enough to give us that Daughters of the Dragon series.
  13. "I gave my 10yo a gun for Christmas. I shouldn't get in trouble if he shoots my neighbor."
  14. The biggest question is if the school had the right to search his bag after his behavior was deemed troubling. If they did and they chose not to then they're partially culpable. Even then, I remember from my school days way back when, locker searches were allowed, but bag checks weren't. However, you had to volunteer a bag check on entering the school or else you'd be turned away at the door (I was in high school during the height of gang violence in the drug hub of New England). School officials could have coerced a bag check while his parents were there or just send him home for the psych eval had he refused.
  15. Have to add Massachusetts to that map. First case of omicron variant detected in Massachusetts, DPH says WWW.WCVB.COM The state's Department of Public Health says the case involves a woman in her 20s who lives in Middlesex County.
  16. Love it when someone quotes an autocorrect typo you were too lazy to notice. Also, yes. I would totally watch a big, Eric sequel. That said, Sony is making the right call, financially. More show times and there's no easy way to get kids to sit through a 2.5-3 hour movie. That's a big ask. That said, this will likely be the first movie we bring my oldest to see in theaters.
  17. Yup, with the second presumably coming in 2023. We're probably looking at two ~90 minute movies because Sony wasn't keen on releasing a 2.5-3 hour animated feature. Yeah, it seemed like he was ready to fuck with the multiverse. I always assumed he'd have a major role in the movie. I wonder what other Spider-People we're getting. Issa Rae is supposed to be playing Spider-Woman. This movie is going to be fun.
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