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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. Dropped off my ballot today. A lot of things on my ballot were between Republicans, Libertarians, and Constitution party peeps and that's it. I didn't mark a choice in any of those. The right wing needs severe punishment and I'm not going to lend my vote to any of them this election.
  2. I see. That makes sense. I was reading it like Illinois authorities should arrest him for shooting somebody in Wisconsin.
  3. Calls for Thomas' recusal in any election related questions need to start yesterday. Or in August. Whenever this was.
  4. I'm not a lawyer so honest question: How could he face charges in Illinois for crimes he committed in Wisconsin? They don't appear to be Federal crimes.
  5. It's funny watching Mike Lee suck up to this person trying to compare their faiths when in all reality she absolutely detests this guy because of his faith. And he detests hers too.
  6. I wonder if this will be all three games (yes, three, not four). I don't know how much interest I'd have in buying a remaster of just one game out of a trilogy.
  7. Profiles in mealy-mouthed twaty spinelessness. The President of the United States threatens to jail his political opponents. But some useless old lady tore up some paper on television. POTUS's acolytes plot terrorist kidnappings of opposition party members. But a baseball commentator literally nobody gives a shit about anymore called the president a word.
  8. Different strokes I guess. I've tried the past few storylines and just haven't been able to get into them. And I'm not a Superman hater like most these days. I actually think he's a compelling character. But there's been nothing compelling there for me recently. I definitely agree on the X books though. Better than they've been in a long, long time.
  9. Actually I watched that again. I don't think they see a difference between a Biden presidency and a Bernie presidency. Since they're right wingers it all amounts to socialism anyways. Safe to say that they'd all be supportive of any president that espoused 90% of Trump's policies if he were competent.
  10. I've enjoyed most of the last few storylines with Wonder Woman. But I don't understand why they can't get a decent Superman story out.
  11. Trump Is Planning a Rally at the White House Saturday and People Are Already Calling It "Covchella" WWW.WASHINGTONIAN.COM It's his first in-person rally since his Covid diagnosis. How many infections will be traced back to this event?
  12. Yes. Pretty much all the major investment houses have made trading free on their sites and apps. Thanks to Robinhood.
  13. Their leap year fuck up should have ended them tbh. Can't believe there were any users left with trust in them after that.
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