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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. *POTUS nukes Canada* Mike Pence: "I want to reserve the 25th amendment in case he becomes actually dangerous."
  2. Posted this in the election thread but I suppose it fits here too. Me reaping me sowing etc.
  3. I don't follow Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook but a friend is telling me he posted this and that Trump is banned through inauguration at least.
  4. If either of these Republicans make up the ground I'm crying foul. Stop the count!
  5. Damn. He was an incredible guitar player even if I haven't loved their output since 2005 or so. I still spin Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper, and Hate Crew Deathroll regularly. RIP
  6. This is true. She did have to cry a couple of times and that's more than she usually does. She did it well.
  7. Good Lord this movie is a steaming pile of shit. Where to start? The script, I suppose. First draft written by some high schoolers apparently. And they stuck with the first draft. It can't even stay consistent with its own fucking rules. Everybody gets one wish, until the story needs them to have another one. Barbara: "I wish I could be like Diana." Becomes like Diana. Now you get another wish! "Make me a fuckin' cat." Done! These wishes also have a monkey's paw so that you lose what's most valuable to you. It's instantaneous for some (everybody who is not a main character) and evolves slowly over time for everybody else. And it didn't even affect Barbara. "Barbara you just beat the shit out of me. Therefore you've lost your niceness. That must be what you've lost! The light in your eyes is gone." Fuck you. People said the same shit to me when I left a cult. The movie just completely falls apart in the third act. What a giant unintelligible mess. You know what would have made this story more interesting and impactful? If they didn't fucking clone the Steve Trevor shit from the first movie. Literally the same thing happens. "Diana you need to let me go to save the world." Done. It would have been a lot more impactful if Steve wanted to stay and Diana had to make a hard choice. It would have been a nice mirror to the first movie instead of a clone of it. Also, very convenient that the super armor was just sitting in her closet. You know what would have made that more awesome? If she had to go on some sort of quest to get that armor and it helped her because she had lost a portion (or all!) of her powers. And Asteria is still alive! You know that thanks to the fucking end credit sequence. Wouldn't it have been cool to have Wonder Woman go on a quest to find Asteria to get the armor and have new Wonder Woman meet old Wonder Woman (who looks fucking incredible, btw)? This is fucking Writing 101 people! Good god. Now let's talk about the politics of this garbage heap. Let's ignore the problematic portrayal of the Middle East. Let's ignore that a movie that primarily takes place in Washington DC has like two black people in it. In the background. How fucking hilarious is it that a movie starring somebody formerly in the IDF creates a wall to contain/block off Arabs? How creepy is it that we're taking over and touching people's bodies without making a note on how wrong and gross that is? Side note: I love how Maxwell Lord learned of a super top secret thing that can touch everybody at once from a display on an easel in the President's office. Very convenient. "What's this?" It's the solution to all your problems! How convenient that you didn't really have to work for that one! The effects work in this movie wasn't that great. I'm not as down on it as most but agree that it's on the poorer side of recent effects work. I can't believe a movie that has been delayed for however fucking long still has this many visual and editing problems. Now, let's talk about the good that keeps this stool from becoming diarrhea soup. Chris Pine has some comedic chops and he gets to flex them in this movie. And it works great. 1 point for Gryffindor. Pedro Pascal fucking brings it. He is hamming it up to great effect. He is great at everything he's done and this is no exception. 1 point for Gryffindor.
  8. Seems his motive was to take out some AT&T infrastructure. The fact that it was on Christmas day when people are least likely to be around and that a recording was played telling people to get away makes me think he wasn't out to hurt people per se. Doesn't mean I'm saying he's not an insane asshole terrorist, though.
  9. And turn my 25 minute trip--already long enough--into a 26 minute trip? No thanks.
  10. In N Out. I can't say that their burgers are terrible, but they're certainly not worth the wait or price. I've never been to an In N Out where I was in and out in a reasonable time. Way too popular and crowded for mediocre food. Also hands down the worst fries of any place.
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