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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. I really enjoyed the last season of The Bad Batch. Maybe this is fucking lame of me but that scene where Omega and Tech are talking and he has to explain that just because he is not outwardly expressive doesn't mean that he doesn't feel things. It was very relatable for me as I've been accused of not caring about things that I actually care deeply about. There are just some emotions and feelings that are very hard for me to express. Anyways, really good writing!
  2. I watched this episode of the Simpsons again yesterday with my son. The episode as a whole--and this scene in particular--so perfectly encapsulates the boomer/millennial dynamic. Oblivious boomer that stumbled into success | struggling millennial making much less, living with much less, and living in lower standards.
  3. Can We As A Culture Resolve To Be More Normal About Taylor Swift In 2024? UPROXX.COM We lost our minds over the world’s biggest pop star last year. Maybe it’s time for a little perspective. Everything is right in this article.
  4. That 10% on 100k rule is going to vary wildly by location too.
  5. Agreed on the TNG price for the most part. So much work went into them and they’re so well done that they sort of necessitate a higher price. But list price for the whole season? You’re spending $600. Ridiculous. I own seasons 1-4 on blu ray and have only bought when they hit below $40. I’m doing yet another rewatch and am finishing season 4 and none of the streaming platforms I sub to have it anymore so I’m going to need to buy season 5 here soon. But on Amazon it’s sitting at over $60 right now. A bit high IMO.
  6. Wordle 943 6/6* ⬛🟨⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Connections Puzzle #221 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦 EZ
  7. Well Biden fandom wasn’t the point. It was that your preferred candidate worked for the Cheeto, praised the Cheeto, won’t denounce the Cheeto, and supposedly can’t be bothered to pay attention to things about the Cheeto that will greatly influence the effectiveness of her campaign. Probably the main thing. These should all be deal breakers for her as they would be for Trump.
  8. Most Americans can afford bikes which are vehicles checkmate libz
  9. Yeah all the ones I see are battery powered. Mine included obvs.
  10. They offered me a similar flight... three days later. So I'm either supposed to go spend money on a hotel or sleep in the airport for three days. But I did need to be back home so those weren't options anyways.
  11. I didn't spend it with Spirit. I had to spend it with another airline to get me home on time when they fucked me out of a flight and refused to reimburse me even though they were at fault and won't own up to it.
  12. I had a horrible experience with Spirit over the summer and am out $1800 because of their incompetence. I won't be flying with them ever again.
  13. I guess that makes sense. If it's those loud gas ones and they're constantly going I could see that getting annoying. But everybody in my neighborhood uses the electric ones that I can tell.
  14. Even if you're conservative you shouldn't vote for anybody who ever worked for Trump or had anything positive to say about him.
  15. I honestly can't remember the last time I heard a leaf blower and got annoyed by it.
  16. I use my leaf blower all the time. Grass clippings. Garage debris. Leaves. I’ll uncaringly annoy everybody for a few minutes if it will spare me 90 min of labor. Shrug.gif
  17. I mean I’d be hesitant to say it’s over for Haley or DeSantis after just Iowa. Hard to know how all the court cases against Trump are going to shake out. If he ends up with any consequences (lol) and can’t run you want to be one of those two. And they’re basically tied right now. It’s not like DeSantis is beating her by an amount that makes a statement (yet).
  18. I have a family thing that day ☹️ How long are you staying in Utah? Just the weekend?
  19. Yeah. Christie was the only one offering some potential maybe if you squint semblance of a meaningful alternate to Trump. Everyone else is just trying to show how cool they are if you already like Trump. The party voters have a clear preference. Haley and DeSantis are secretly hoping he goes to jail while simultaneously auditioning for VP while that one other ratfucker VC douche is all but screaming “pick me for VP” and that’s just the reality. Trump still dominates the party and his cult will see the at he dies until he keels over dead. Then when he’s dead there will be a conspiracy about how he’s secretly alive and really controlling everything in the party. His specter will dominate the party even after he’s dead.
  20. Search Engine Optimization. How you structure your webpage and the words you decide to use help it appear higher in searches.
  21. Amazon has been a shit show for ages in terms of terrible product pages and results full of knock-offs. Doesn't surprise me that they're taking the laziest possible approach in regards to titles either.
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