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Everything posted by Chairslinger

  1. My speculation on the show so far...... Crusher hid the boy from Picard because the association made her fear for his safety. Pretty good reason, too. Picard has so many enemies that one once fabricated a son for Jean Luc just so he could kill him as a way to hurt Picard. Also, Starfleet was kind of responsible for Jack being dead and Wesley winking out of existence for all she knows before he even hit 20. So, like a war parent who lost 5 sons in WWII, it might be understandable why Crusher isn't too gung ho on loyalty to Starfleet at this point. After the first episode I was already heavily leaning towards the enemy being holographic, now I suspect it even more. We know Moriarty will be in this season which suggests something with holograms. What if the woman IS Moriarty? That would be no problem with holographic tech. What really made that click for me was how resentful she seemed about Picard and his brand new synthetic body. Both TNG Moriarty episodes revolved around him trying to get into the real world and Picard(from Moriarty's point of view) lying to him about how impossible that would be. Now Picard shows up in his new synthetic body....guess giving someone a real body wasn't as impossible as you made it seem Picard. People were wondering why Beverly killed that person.....what if it wasn't a person? It might not have even been an individual hologram. It could have been Moriarty controlling a hologram on a mobile emitter. It would explain why they speak in clicks despite the UI rarely not being able to catch a language. All theatrics. In fact, all of her villainous theatrics at the end of ep. 2 were pretty reminiscent of Moriarty who himself is literally a villainous literary creation. Would also explain why the ships are of unknown origin. All the way back on Enterprise we saw the tech to use holographic projectors to change how a ship looks. And, as per the first episode, why they come with "different faces" each time. If you remember, Voyager really left holographic rights dangling out in the wind. The Doctor never got the rights Data did. Not even as a unique individual. They dabbled with the topic a couple times, but nothing even close to tackling the huge moral quandary that holodecks and holograms pose in a universe where someone like The Doctor exists. Maybe that's even how Lore ties in. We saw Lore try to hitch his wagon to the Borg at one time. Trying to become their savior and make them idolize him as the ideal goal of all artificial life. Maybe he is doing the same thing now with holograms. Would be really cool if all of that buzz about a Robert Picardo role back around s2 was right, but just got it wrong on timing. If I am right about the villains, on top of the Doctor and Seven being the best duo on all of Voyager, it would be a really cool cameo to see the Doctor show up. Also, I suspect Worf has been wanting to do that to a Ferengi since at least Looking for Par'Mach in all the Wrong Places. He may have beheaded Sneed, but he was fantasizing it was Quark.
  2. I can think of few cinematic endeavors more futile than trying to redo the Lord of the Rings trilogy. There is no way to match, let alone improve upon, the trilogy. It was lightning in a bottle. The perfect cast, at the perfect time, in the perfect situation. I am trying to think of an analogy to express how bad of an idea it would be.....but I think LotR IS that analogy. There is literally nothing that would be a worse idea to try to remake.....
  3. And that income is only a portion of money that makes up only one aspect of their dealings. And it's not that all the other stuff isn't dirty, it's just that this is the only stuff we know about because it's the only stuff they have to report because Christian's don't really have to obey the law anymore. But yeah, not to worry. If they are cheating with the financials that are actually reviewable I am sure the stuff that they know will never be scrutinized is on the up and up. So if you thought the fine itself was an insult just keep in mind it's even way worse than that.
  4. My first thought when reading this was a snarky, Onion-like headline. Something like.... "Netflix seeks to curtail account sharing by making content library extremely unappealing." I get the feeling I am not the only one that basically pays attention to Netflix for Stranger Things and Cobrai Kai at this point. And not a great time for them that they are both on their final seasons.....
  5. I think they should just be straight with the audience. Have Luanne and Lucky die in an accident of some kind rather then trying to work around Murphy and Petty being gone. Have Hank and Peggy take in Gracie and raise them as their own. It would be the simple answer that made King of the Hill unique in it's good years. Would give the show a new dynamic, as well. They even had a thread in season 3 or 4 where they were thinking about trying for another kid.
  6. I understand why they had to do it. Especially if we are still at the "there's still shit coming" stage of the scandal but this is definitely the kind of thing that will bug the hell out of me. Even if it does make sense in universe. The show seems like it was kind of reaching series fatigue anyway, so not a huge loss.
  7. I mean, we don't have all the evidence that they do but it seems telling that when evidence surfaced that Alito had done this type of thing before that the extent of Robert's give a damn about it seemed to be, "Nuh uh, I askeded him and he said he dun do that". Which is about equivalent to that frustrating moment halfway through a true crime story where you get, "But then came a break in the case as Martin Stabbingham's ex-wife came forward with a harrowing story of the night years earlier that he beat her up, threw her in the trunk of his car, and drove her to a secluded wooded area with a shallow grave where she narrowly escaped with her life by escaping into the woods. However authorities determined it had little relevance to the current case and so Martin would roam free for a further 5 years".
  8. Hardcore History has an episode up; Twilight of the Aesir. It looks to be something of a "sequel" to Thor's Angels. Psyched for this as Thor's Angels is one of my favorite HH episodes.
  9. I've watched through it. Hard to say much without spoiling anything but I will say it's worth a watch through. It is a good show for what it is, but suffers most of the same drawbacks that a lot of the grey area, anti-hero shows that were all the rage in the '10's did.
  10. I always said the bit of understanding I had for Trump voters comes from how I feel about Vince. The two men are a lot a like, but I still have a bit of a soft spot for the guy because of what he did for wrestling and also the onscreen role he played during the Attitude Era. That said, this has gone beyond farce at this point. Vince has looked physically terrible for years and his early 2022 time onscreen was like watching the sad last years of a punch drunk boxer. He could barely mumble his way through a fucking pre-tape. Most of these rich guys with this pathological need to accumulate wealth do their damage in the shadows, but because Vince is in the public world of pro wrestling we get to see out in full view the sad and dangerous results of an overly ambitious billionaire who just does not know when to fucking quit. Vince is hurting himself as much as anyone else by coming back at this point. You hear about some rich guys who want to work at their desk until the day they die and some aging wrestlers who would want to die in the ring. Vince seems bound and determined to do both.
  11. A few hours ago I was going to make a joke about how Vince finally got his longtime wish for a supposed angle that was going to happen: he fucked his daughter. I held off on it because it was a pretty harsh joke for a situation where a lot is still unclear. But I am starting to wonder if it was more apt than I realized. Looking more and more likely that the party buying WWE is Saudi Arabia and they may take it private. If this is the case one can only imagine Steph probably isn't happy for the implications that would have on female wrestling in the WWE.
  12. I guess he is looking to cash in on the conservative grievance crowd. Because even if you put everything else aside, who the fuck is looking to go to an 85 year old stand up comic's show? I know he was probably playing it up for the trial, but wasn't he stumbling around the courtroom acting like he was unfit to stand trial....and that was like 5 years ago. Like I said, even everything else aside this has "way more sad than funny" written all over it even if his material was good(and he was like C+ comedy on his best day to begin with....so I wouldn't count on it).
  13. Did the scene play like Gaetz did it on purpose and then basically taunt them about getting the math wrong after the fact and that's why the physical altercation almost happened? As much as I love seeing McCarthy humiliated this whole thing strikes me as now being about nothing more than Gaetz dragging it out for his own gratification.
  14. Part bargaining and part chicken. McCarthy and his allies are counting on the fact that ultimately there is no real viable alternative. Fatigue and math will eventually go in his favor. Shame no longer exists in the GOP, so McCarthy doesn't care how many times he has to be embarrassed as long as he eventually wins the vote so he can become the most ineffectual and irrelevant Speaker in history
  15. That's one of those sentences that just keeps you on the edge of your seat. Like 5 plot twists in 13 words....
  16. The bigger companies don't want real heat anymore. Too many lawsuits or social media scandals waiting to happen. This reminds me a lot of what Cornette was doing with the Ganstas in Smokey Mountain back in the 90's.
  17. This is one scenario where the Brazzers meme is pretty tame for what that photo looks like.
  18. By and large no, but LotR definately has the ability to suck me down a rabbit hole if the damn YouTube algorithm decides I need to see the Ride of the Rohirrim that day.
  19. I have been saying this for a while. Obviously it is not as simple as just comparing Covid deaths to vote counts, and we need to be careful assigning morality tales to real life....but in states where these elections come down to 4 or even 3 digit differentials the effect seems pretty obvious and inescapable.
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