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Everything posted by Firewithin

  1. That ending for this week's ep was some quintessential epic LOTR. Oh and geez the actress for galadriel is like distractingly pretty
  2. 2/3 eps down and its just as good as the trailers made it look like
  3. If from the moment it started to be put together and it's not at least a trillion polygons it's trash. That's how game development works right
  4. i dont even know how long i would have had to wait for a 30xx card but thankfully evgas que program came through for me when they first came out
  5. am i wrong in that she only said she didnt fuck daemon not that she just didnt fuck in general since she was at the pleasure house which can also be a reason for the tea. and not counting as far as we know nobody knows about the knight
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