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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. When I worked in a grocery store as a teen, management instituted a new "productivity" tracking system whereby they wanted us to mark down how many "units" we put on shelves while stocking. Units were a single item from a box. So, naturally, those of us who were smart took the lightest and most unit-heavy items out to pad our numbers. Sure, stocking 8 boxes of pickle jars might take longer and be more work, but I got twice as many points by taking out a giant, light box of keenex with dozens of individual items. When you reward just arresting and jailing in high numbers (current US justice system), then of course that's what cops are going to do (and all the way up).
  2. Related to the discovery of hundreds of unmarked graves at various Indian Residential Schools across Canada, six Catholic churches have been burned down in the past month: So far, five on Indigenous reserves/land, one outside.
  3. It's harder to tell because social issues weren't as prevalent in campaigns during the period, but Canada's first socialist government (CCF, elected in Saskatchewan in 1944) appealed to workers and farmers, and fought against the big banking powers and corporations of eastern Canada. They campaigned almost purely on economic issues and reformed the province in ways that are still felt today, and I imagine that many of their core supporters would have been very religious and socially conservative. I don't think that economic leftism (in the form of socialism and workers rights) necessarily goes hand-in-hand with progressive social beliefs.
  4. Also, this bill isn't likely to pass anytime soon. Parliament just rose for the summer, and there is a 95% chance an election is called before it sits again in the fall.
  5. In the 2024 GOP primary debates, DeSantis will say something about dealing with immigrants, and Noem will chime in with "Governor, did you send troops to the Mexican border to stop the rape caravans? I did! Maybe wait to comment on immigration until you've done something about it!" Then wild applause. Even though, being from South Dakota, she's only seen three brown people in her life.
  6. Doing something because of something someone else said isn't enough. The intent of the person saying the things need to be to create hatred. I agree that that is what makes any rule like this tricky. In some cases like Fox News, it's pretty "obvious." But how do you prove it? Pattern? Anyone can go out and cause violence and claim it was because of The King of Queens TV show, but that doesn't mean the show had hate speech. I think the proof would be a pattern of speech that degrades and lessons other peoples knowingly (people in general, not specific people like politicians).
  7. My argument would be that the current definition of "incitement" is what needs to change in the modern area thanks to new technology. Does going on TV and saying "everyone go to 25th and 4th tonight, we're going to kill some Jews!" count as incitement? Yes. Does going on TV for six months and saying "These Jews...they are coming into our neighbourhoods, taking our jobs, taking our women, corrupting our children. Someone ought to think about a solution. I mean, would you want a Jew living next to you? I wouldn't. Someone ought to do something about these Jews" count? Unfortunately, no, but that's the sort of stuff that is actually causing violence now in the US (and elsewhere). Turning someone crazy with a lower-level of hate over long periods of time is just as dangerous as demanding violence over a short period.
  8. Private benefactors literally creating troop deployments? Sounds like a normal, developed nation.
  9. I think a lot of people are confusing "mean speech" with "hate speech." They are not the same, and would not be the same under this rule. "But Riley, if the government can ban hate speech, then they could ban mean speech next!" Well, yes, but they could also ban shirts, pants, and dogs, but they aren't going to. Slippery slope isn't a thing.
  10. CRT (in case anyone doubted it) is the new communism or terrorism, a word used to describe anything the right wing doesn't like.
  11. It's not the process the customer goes through, it's the very idea that life-essential utilities of massive scale are run by private companies. Utilities and anything else that works best as a monopoly should be publicly owned.
  12. Electricity (and water, and natural gas) is something that should never, ever, ever be privatized. It makes no sense to have competition in life-essential utilities.
  13. In my weekly team Teams meeting right now, and we are changing our dress code for the fall. YES. Well-kept jeans will be okay, along with a shirt with a collar, or sweater. That includes golf shirts, untucked short-sleeve button-down shits, etc. Makes little sense for IT to be in slacks and tucked-in shirts. Over the summer we already wear shorts and t-shirts. I'm a black jeans guy, so I'll be wearing button-downs (or sweaters) with those.
  14. Man I have to return to the office next week. Haven't been there since...October? Not looking forward to not wearing pajamas all day, or having to take lunches to work.
  15. I have a feeling that it will be well-made and acted...but it won't be anything like the book's story. It seems (and perhaps they are hiding more) that it's based entirely off the first chapter of the first book (the trial of Hari Seldon), with perhaps elements of the two prequel books. That's great...but it's not Foundation. However, I never expected them to have the guts to actually do it correctly, because they'd have to replace the main cast all the time as the story rockets into the future. Maybe I am pessimistic, but I 100% expect them to contain the entire story (as in, the fall of Empire, rise of Terminus, re-establishment of some kind of new order) with the same main cast, over a period of several years (rather than 10,000). We aren't getting the Mule (except some cheeky nod), we aren't getting the Second Foundation, we aren't getting Hober Mallow, etc. I think that a book like Foundation (which, especially the first book, is basically a short story anthology) isn't possible to tell in a visual medium when producers are concerned about actors, etc. I will be the first to admin that Asimov wrote absolute shit characters (and couldn't write a woman to save his life), but his ideas were fascinating. So if you're going to make Foundation and then ignore his ideas...why even bother? It could be I, Robot all over again, just with much better acting and production. To me, it's fascinating to build an entire culture around predestination and utter confidence that nothing can ever stop them, and then to have that reality come crashing down (and to doubt the infallibility of the genius that created the culture). And then, to have a second culture save you, but because you don't know what it is, you are paranoid and want to destroy your saviours. But to do that you need to cover thousands of years.
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