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Everything posted by 5timechamp

  1. More Dark Souls.. so I almost lost my sanity beating the f’n Gargoyles and had a surprisingly easier time with some Capra Demon thing (only took 2 tries)…. anyhow Im finding a rhythm, still wasting too many Souls leveling and acquiring stuff I cant use… I made it to the Depths and got killed by the boss.. I went and upgraded my weapons and im heading back in rolling along peacefully with like 9,000 Souls and 7 Humanity when I suddenly fall through a trap hole into this area with these Battletoads rejects who breathe on me and now im FUCKING CURSED!! half health and everything.. I went to carefully recover my crap and got cursed again.. Im so annoyed cause I could have easily gone and leveled up with the Souls but no I got greedy…so after some research I now know my options for getting un-cursed.. fuck toads, fuck this game… Im taking a break before diving back in..I like it
  2. Meanwhile the MAGA conservatives here are already championing how they wish that was here and that this is what we need
  3. An unpopular conflict, all on the whims of one man who is out of touch and not as popular or as in control of the population as once believed... 1 man or 300,000 and if Putin is removed...who takes over.
  4. Current social studies.. a good idea at the same time it would be politicized to hell. The outcry of grooming would be huge… how would MAGA is described would differ so much based on the ideologies of the teacher..parents would bitch to hell and back. If they brought back classes like home economics and basic shit like changing a tire people would find a way to feel “targeted”
  5. I guess the biggest difference would be in how its marinated.. ceviche is mostly lemon/lime marinade so its more tangy flavored along with whatever herbs or spices are used (onion, cilantro, etc) in addition its generally eaten on a tostada. the acidity if the limes cooks and changed the texture if the meat used (crab, shrimp etc)
  6. Anything by Kanye that I ever downloaded (3 songs probably lol)
  7. I get “bud” from only one person and randomly in between.. I feel as if those using it imply that im younger than them..i likes it
  8. As an introvert homebody .. fear of speaking in public, needles, and flying… so to fight that introverted homebody crap I joined the Army (needles and flying came along for the ride)
  9. Started playing Dark Souls for the first time.. actually tried to pay attention to what im doing… my “gamish” habits have gotten me slapped around pretty good.. its not at the point of fun yet but its a work in progress .. fuck firebombs…. the story telling and some of the functions and terminology are a bit under explained (not Tunic level but close)
  10. … so many people falling down stairs. Putin cant have too many thembrians left in his inner circle. At what point is he done, the propaganda machine may work on commons but some of the upper parts of his circle must see the real picture and think its not worth the hassle
  11. I just hope that the new game retains the quality of missions seen in V.. it was mostly a step up from previous games… Additionally I hope the majority of the cars find themselves in the new games’ SP… having so many cars being online only was annoying… gotta have car racing in this game, specially since midnight club is MIA
  12. …so at what point did anyone turn against Michael Corleone in the Godfather films? or was he always the lesser evil of his world? … was Scarface problematic at any point? … I will admit to wanting Neil to succeed in Heat as well as Dr Lector escaping honestly I have a greater dislike for the overly virtuous heroes who are damn near perfect whenever they save the day… Its why I enjoyed the adventures of Jack Bauer, he loses a lot and suffers greatly before taking incomplete victories…. Still Audrey Raines dying was pure Bullshit!
  13. Imagine a situation where GOP cheat and win and get called for it… while in other states those that lose claim they got cheated.. that is the next level we will never again have peaceful elections.. cant wait until low level toadies who lose refuse to give up their position
  14. nah, it wont stop the farce... theres a spin in there where Libs spend more money and prioritize immigrants over US citizens... they do the granting of green cards and it plays into the "open border" narrative... this immigration crisis has to escalate for the GOP, it has to get loud enough to upset enough Americans so as to be louder than the abortion rights issue that the Dems are going to use to hammer the GOP with during the mid-terms Pure and utter annihilation of GOP at mid-terms might be enough to turn some away from Trump-ism and the wide open cruelty seen these last few years.. but Desantis will carry on
  15. We can talk about the cruelty we can talk about the legality of it…. in the GOP circles they have “owned” the libs…. they will ignore the indignation because its making them appear as heroes.. I await their escalation… surprised they didnt split up the kids from the parents
  16. We shall see.. the appeals court is made up of 11 judges.. 6 of them Trump appointees. Honestly as important as it is to clean up the Trump Intelligence problem its ultimately more important that these mid-term elections minimize GOP power.
  17. …so all this bureaucracy and playing with the laws that Trump will continue to successfully do to eventually get away with espionage.. what is the likely hood this becomes the norm for big crimes like this? Or is Trump the exception because the acolytes of his cult are spread all throughout our government.
  18. I will buy, play it, and probably love the game… but I just dont have excitement for it yet… I am hopeful that the teams iteration has grown the game and built upon BOTW in all fronts. .. specially combat
  19. Definitely Michael Jackson… his trajectory of excellence was lifelong.. he was on par and/or above his peers even as a child. Wayne Gretzky
  20. I hope they do it, just to be done with it once and for all.. I really enjoy what they did with the Perfect Dark HD upgrade but its mostly forgotten.. GoldenEye may have more recognition but it will probably be placed in its own little corner..
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