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Everything posted by NeoJoe

  1. Oh my gosh. I'm sorry all this is happening @HardAct . I can't even fathom what your family is going through on either front. We're here for you to vent if you need us. Stay strong. I just donated as well and once you get back on your feet, I have a PS4 with a 1TB drive I was going to sell but I'm happy to send it to you instead. Just let me know. Big hugs, brother.
  2. I work in the hotel business and there's a chance that's what they'll do. But you can also just call and ask for extra pillows then take them home. I doubt they keep track that meticulously.
  3. LMAO at the videos! Kudos to you for doing this @Anzo ! You're a rock star!
  4. Hi @gamer.tv ! I'm a yoga teacher so I'm happy to help with any questions you have. Given what you posted, I'd suggest a couple of options. If you want to go the yoga route, look for a power yoga studio. It's what I teach primarily. Focused more on the physical practice and less on the spiritual stuff. More of a flow with muscle action cues and drills, arm balances, inversions and then stretching. I still throw in the spiritual stuff but I think I do a good job of weaving into the practice without it being overbearing. I love it because it's a heck of a workout that compliments so much in our lives and other physical practice, like my martial arts and weightlifting. I might also suggest a mobility/movement practice. I'm not sure if there's one near you but a lot are popping up all over the world. Places like Ido Portal are really popular.
  5. I played the demo and it's a fantastic example of music amplifying the experience. I felt my pulse racing as levels got more hectic and the music was pumping through the surround (I cranked it up). But as others said, no way, I'm spending $40 on that. I'll maybe get it when it's way cheaper.
  6. I keep thinking that too but I think the 3 burst shot of Bygones is what makes the difference. The 4 burst shot is really testy when playing PVP imo. I have a Go Figure with Rampage and Outlaw and it's amazing in PVE but every time I try to use it in PVE I get outgunned. That doesn't happen with Bygones.
  7. Are we supposed to copy and paste that link to watch that? What is this, the Dark Ages?
  8. @mo1518 feels your pain @Spawn_of_Apathy I, on the other hand, have stopped getting exotics altogether. But I'm sure once I do, it'll be a dup. I like Gambit but I just wish it wasn't such a time sink. If you're in a match that goes 3 rounds (which seems to always be the case for me) you're in there for almost 30 minutes it seems like.
  9. Thanks for doing this @Anzo ! Donated for a great cause but please don't eat those worms. lol
  10. I'm not a fan of cats but shame on its owners for letting it get that obese.
  11. Hang in there! You'll get it eventually. trust me, I was so ready to give up on it but it's a great shotgun. Honestly, if I didn't have the Sleeper catalyst to work on, I probably would have given up. Also, make sure you're using an exotic ghost that has a chance of giving better loot in public events. It's supposed to help but I'm not the best person to say that as even with it as @Anzo said, took me forever.
  12. I love her as the new doctor! I really enjoyed the first two episodes and love the new theme and TARDIS!
  13. I loved Beauty & the Beast and I'm confident this one will be amazing too.
  14. If it makes you feel any better, you're probably nowhere near able to kill the boss in Shattered Throne since it's 590.
  15. I didn't know DGH and Tofurkey got married. That makes me so happy to hear. I always really liked them both and hearing about board romances always makes me joyful. I'd like to think we've all matured a lot. Some of you guys I've known since what... 2002ish? Back in the IGN SHD. Anyone remember the REL? (Red Eye Lounge) lol
  16. In hindsight, I'm not even sure why I bothered going to that theater as it's out of my way. I think I figured the biggest movie theater right in the heart of downtown would be good to be seen. It was mostly teenagers. I should have gone to the theater by where I live where it's more families and people a tad older where I think they may have appreciated it a bit more. Ah well. Still glad I did it.
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