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Everything posted by NeoJoe

  1. I still don't have any IKELOS weapons after 15 kills. Definitely interested in farming EP for any of them at this point. But I especially want the shotty.
  2. That's an awesome trailer. Very cool to see Cayde be amazingly badass before he checks out. I already miss Nathan Fillion voice but the resemblance is pretty good. You can definitely tell that's Nolan North though as Cayde sort of sounds like Drake now. lol
  3. So when using the zero second farm you don't get the chest? Ahh bummer. I only need the helmet for my Titan but then everything for my Warlock. But I also really want that damn shotgun!
  4. Agreed! I didn't Anzo. I think I'm not using the app properly cause I would join then get the in app notification that my fireteam was ready to go but I'd never get invited. Happened twice last night so I gave up. After joining, isn't the leader supposed to send me an invite in the game? BTW: He's just Tom. His in game name was short for Thomas which he regrets using.
  5. Lots of fun at this year's Boston Fan Expo (Comic Con). I went as Doctor Strange again but with new gloves and a new amulet. When you forget your sling ring at home and have to take the shuttle bus. This lady was my absolute favorite as Edna. She stayed in character the whole time. I'll spare you guys the extra pics but if anyone wants to see them I put them up on IG @yogajoedasilva
  6. I agree. They're picking odd guest characters for Tekken 7. Happy to see Lei though!
  7. Closest thing they have is guided games which works great but usually have to wait around 10-15 minutes for a team.
  8. I wish Whisper was Void instead of Solar. I can't think of ever using Sleeper now because of it. We have DARCI as Arc so it would have been an awesome trio. Ah well.
  9. All good! My dinner ran a little later than I intended. Didn't expect you guys to wait! I got my gear stuff done for my Warlock so it worked out. I really wanna get Spire done too! I think we can do it now that we have Whisper.
  10. Sorry about the molestation but yay to meeting Triage and Emblazon! I hope to see pics!!
  11. Oh no @mo1518 ! Get better quick! Looking forward to hearing the story of how it happened. lol @Anzo happy to help get you through the raid or the whisper quest!
  12. I ran 3 before realizing I forgot to equip it. I did the same with faction gear when having to run the NF with full gear was a thing.
  13. I quit my soulless corporate life to teach yoga full time so yes.
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