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Everything posted by chakoo

  1. Yeah sorry about that. I wasn't implying that you were. Just adding extra context for others. The game was a pack-in for the deluxe set (it's official name) and not the basic set (8GB model) but at the same time the 8GB sold so poorly that pretty much if you bought a WiiU at launch you most likely got nintendo land with your system.
  2. It’s not like the 8gb model sold that well to begin with and was in smaller quantities (the non prem 32gb model). That’s how I got mine when retailers fire sold the units right before they were discontinued.
  3. Our case count is still a drop in the bucket compared to the US but it's getting very troubling as people aren't taking it serious enough. Ontario has been having 800 cases (province wide) all week with our largest 1 day spike being over 1k and Quebec has been having over 1k days for weeks now. The even bigger worry is we are seeing outbreaks in Long Term Care homes again & hospitals. -.- Pre thanksgiving we were in the 300-400 range a day for Ontario. =/ Official says infections from Thanksgiving may now be reflected in the numbers as Ontario reports 851 new cases of COVID-19 WWW.CP24.COM After record daily COVID-19 case counts over the weekend, Ontario is reporting a dip in new infections today but the test positivity rate is still on the rise as fewer than 30,000 tests were processed over the past 24 hours. Toronto Western Hospital temporarily diverts new COVID-19 patients to another hospital amid outbreak WWW.CP24.COM Toronto Western Hospital is temporarily diverting new COVID-19 patients to another hospital while it relocates its dedicated COVID unit to another floor amid an outbreak of the virus.
  4. Yeah I know. Sadly at the rate the US is going there won't be a christmas for many people because most of their family will be dead.
  5. I've been lazy to post about this here but I hope the US will learn from Canada, Thanksgiving gatherings = very bad, don't do it! Our current outbreaks are worse than the first wave and we've been seeing a sizable bump thanks to canadian thanksgiving a few weeks ago. -.-
  6. None. A small handful of developers have units due to a lottery that was held last year and there are some videos of what they are working on but that is about it. I was super excited for this and even got on the drawing list for a devkit (sadly didn't get one) but I'm starting to lose interest because this thing has taken so long to come out. -.-
  7. If dems take back the senate, their first order should be to make PR & DC a state to make it harder for GOP to take back control then start working on untrumping the courts.
  8. PS2 imo is still such a beast in terms of hardware design. I still remember the massive manuals that you could get with your devkit. Also funny coincidence, yesterday I was looking at my ps2 collection in storage to see what I still had without realizing that the anniversary was today.
  9. Not bad. I have a fondness for the 3rd game the most in the series.
  10. This isn't a new get but a correction to my previous story. I was pretty certain I didn't pick up Eternal Poison because I more vividly remembered seeing it at an HVM in Toronto for many weeks and just wasn't sure to pull the trigger because reviews were mixed even though it was cheap and an Atlus game. I had a small suspicion I was remembering wrong and did end up picking it up one day and forgot about it. Well I was in the storage locker today to take my PSP games back down and decided to take a look at my PS2 games. So I really did end up buy it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess I might give this a play soon because I know I didn't play it after I got it.
  11. Which one, the good old ps1 game or the more modern PS4/Vita game?
  12. The plan: . Ps5 Digital Ed . Sega Astro Mini . Replicade Asteroids . Game & Watch Mario What will probably happen (depends on wife): . Replicade Asteroids . Game & Watch Mario (give to my friend as a gift).
  13. I'm not sure if you're being facetious but I got the same emails over the PS4. This shit is the same for most launches. Retailers were given an initial quota which will get 95-100% filled by the initial shipments. Not to mention that some retailers will hold back some of their allocation. I didn't get mine at launch but got it at christmas as it was a gift for the whole family. So I benefited as we got Mario64 & Extreme G (I actually love this game). So window wise n64 got much better. Yet with that said we are talking about PS5 & XSX launch day lineup and not window. As a fan of WR64, WR:BS still continues to be a massive disappointment to me. I just don't find it very good. RS2, LM & SMB are all great games that still hold up. I was actually not hugely impressed with GCN launch and went with an Xbox instead. I waited out in the cold like a chump thinking demand would be high and yet there was only like 5 of us from midnight till 1h before the store opened, lol, on top of that of the 5 people there two were my friends who came with me to also buy one. Halo made it worth it. PSP I didn't really consider because I was more focused on consoles than portables which tend to fair better for launch. PSP is one of the few systems where it's launch titles are still some of it's top games of all times (Ridge Racers & Hot Shots Golf).
  14. If someone doesn't want to go down the rabbit hole of SCART cables and modding systems for RGB. RAD2X Cables built using RetroTink scalars have been getting a lot of praise. RAD2X WWW.RETROGAMINGCABLES.CO.UK Home | RetroTINK LLC WWW.RETROTINK.COM RetroTINK helps connect retro consoles to modern displays and more. Our line of products converts legacy video formats with high quality and minimal visual distortion for the most authentic experience.
  15. Regarding the launch day discussion. Dreamcast continues to be the only system with a good launch day lineup. (yes sure N64 with Mario 64 but that was the only game, Pilotwings fans do your worse). I personally don't find rocket league exciting or interesting for me to play and yet it's a huge success played by many. I think people need to wait before making remarks. It's not like this forum hasn't shitted on a game recently that actually was loved by many (genshin impact).
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