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Everything posted by Joe

  1. I love this notion that because we love a certain director (who like everyone in the world loves because he makes awesome fucking movies), we would side with him if he took a stupid and antiquated side of an argument. Um, no.
  2. Lol logic and experience literally dictates the opposite. The former guy is way more likely to leave.
  3. Calling the police is absolutely ridiculous, but if you read the story, the guy was a douche, too. One time humping is obviously no big deal, but for it to repeatedly happen is not okay.
  4. Not taking sides on this debate as I am undecided myself, but thought I would chime in with a story. My dad used to tell my brother and I seperately when we were younger that 0 dependents meant we would have more money at the end of the year than with 1. As in not just a bigger return since we had more taken out through the year but more money overall. We never knew that we were being had to force us to save money until only a few years ago. I dunno I see sblfilms point, but when you're young and reckless with your money, it really does help.
  5. I mean since he used that stupid food comparison, most of America's defining cuisine comes from the South. It was actually a really fucking shitty take.
  6. I believe it was Gandhi that once said "I like your Bernie Sanders. I dislike your Berniebros. They are so unlike your Bernie Sanders."
  7. Seems like a huge waste of money to me. But we all have our interests I suppose.
  8. That's great if you're super wealthy I guess. My S8+ isn't going away for at least a year more. I will buy this phone when it's cheaper in a year.
  9. You should try again. T-Mobile service has improved exponentially over the years.
  10. Yeah, T-Mobile literally made it rain to get me as a customer.
  11. I'm such a slut for the Inifinity Display that I couldn't even switch if I wanted to.
  12. Have you guys seen Bauer getting shit on because he likes hookups only and makes sure any girl he goes out with knows this beforehand? I dont get it. Seems pretty far down on the list of shitty things he has said.
  13. I never expected the first iteration to look that cool. Nice one, Samsung.
  14. Literally every thing the left tries to do to improve society is seen as socialism. This is where I very much agree with the Bernie and RSF crowd. We may as well just go for the fucking jugular because anything we try will always be mislabeled as socialism.
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