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Everything posted by Joe

  1. They have possibly the best farm in baseball.
  2. The real killer was the Hosmer deal. He sucks.
  3. How is she virtually telling men not to see it?
  4. I find it ceaselessly amusing that our little purity tester has a user name based off the most racist team in the history of professional sports.
  5. Ok? If we lose 2020, I would have very little hope for 2024.
  6. No they arent. Less than 2 years away and she's in decent health.
  7. I dont get the thought process where someone says to themself in this context "yo an ironic sexist joke would fuckin kill rn!" But you do you seƱor.
  8. Trader Joe's has a great habanero hot sauce, too. Nothing like that mix of tropical fruitiness and hardcore spice.
  9. No excuse for instant mashed potatoes bud, cmon.
  10. All that she wants. Is another baby. Shes gone tomorrow cuz all that she wants. Is another baby. Yeah. *cue saxomophone
  11. You forgot to salt the ever loving shit out of the steaks. Very important! Otherwise, sounds yummy.
  12. Dude you've spoken about how you hate your job, how you're overweight, how your gf is fat. I didnt project or make anything up. You say it.
  13. Have you ever thought that maybe you have a shitty job and make very little money because you are a lazy and unmotivated guy? You have said here as much many times over the years. Blaming people even poorer than you because your life isnt what you hoped it would be is unfair.
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