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Everything posted by Joe

  1. Every democracy features political parties that try to undermine each other at every turn. Outright banning the opposition from participating in an election and creating a new assembly because the old one was won by the opposition are on a different level.
  2. Dude, the petroleum in Venzeuela is extremely difficult to extract. The fact that they have a lot in reserves means nothing.
  3. I mean the terms are fluid, too. Supporting gay marriage right now is certainly a moderate position, but he had a huge part in that happening.
  4. While this is true, we have to be careful to not overstate this effect. Had any other Republican been President during this midterm election, we would not have seen these absurd gains in suburbia.
  5. We are also two years removed from the last time people predicted the death of the Democratic Party. Politics are fun lol.
  6. WhatsApp has been saying it's end to end encrypted for a while now. At least on my app it says it.
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