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Everything posted by Biggie

  1. I like to take a knee and kneel like the NFL players when I wipe.
  2. Kansas City Chiefs - $10,000 1. Chiefs Touchdown 2. Chiefs 3. Washington Redskins 4. Under 5. Cincinnati Arizona Minnesota 6. Tampa Bay @ NY Giants 7. 50-99 8. Adrian Peterson Calvin Ridley
  3. I know right? Posting pics is a confusing process now.
  4. Thanks @SFLUFAN for the giveaway. You just gave me RDR2 so I’ll pass on this giveaway. Good luck everyone!
  5. Why not ask them what brand they are and buy a pair for yourself?
  6. That is a deal breaker amirite?
  7. Jinx? He didn’t even stay long enough to ruin their team chemistry.
  8. I hope Dez ruins the Saints team chemistry. Please Dez just do you.
  9. I’ll be trying Southern Tier Creme Brûlée Imperial Milk Stout this weekend. @Emblazon @The def star
  10. Wait.......we are supposed to be wiping?
  11. Yeah I wish we could just go around causing havoc without becoming wanted every five minutes.
  12. @atom631 Just tap left on the d-pad. Don’t hold it just tap slightly. It’ll bring up the LOG where you can check tasks and challenges. If you hold the d-pad left it will open your journal.
  13. Check the game log. I’ll have to see exactly how I did this and report back. I can’t remember but I’m certain I did. It said this will continue later on in the story.
  14. Wait...... you stopped pissing during pissing? Doesn’t that hurt? Also it can lead to UTI’s.
  15. Who gets drunk on champagne? In November? Lol. ?
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