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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. I mean, as prevalent as 4K has now become, 1080p is still the norm for most average gamers on what they game on. But the only way to forge new standards is to foist them on people, so I'm all for 4K/60fps.
  2. I agree completely that playing closely in front of a monitor makes a game feel much more involving than playing from my couch on a bigger TV. I feel the switch very viscerally when I go from PC gaming on my monitor to PS4 gaming on my TV. I love the much bigger screen, feels much more theatrical, but detail is lost.
  3. I mean, I agree completely, but a man can hope. I'll be primarily gaming on PC anyway, so it's a moot point for me, except where exclusives that never come to PC from PS5 are concerned. In those rare instances, I'll have to suffer accordingly, but I hope 60fps locked becomes an option at least some of the time. Death Stranding being such a good PC port for the most part (except with Kojima's artistic restrictions, not technical ones) is a good sign for the Decima Engine at least.
  4. I wish 4k/60fps rather than 4k/bells and whistles (but 30fps) was the default - hopefully this is an option with every game going forward.
  5. I agree with you about Ghost's combat - very satisfying. I will say as someone who 100%'ed Horizon, the combat takes awhile to really open up, but once you have a number of weapons and types of ammo for those weapons, combat becomes very slick and satisfying and you feel very powerful though the combat never gets easy. But at first it's very simple. Honestly, same with Tsushima - as more and more opens up I find myself leaning more and more on ninja/ghost abilities, as it's just easier - once you can stealth kill 3 people at once and see via a flashing sign who else will see your triple stealth kill, it becomes my primary mode of combat (though if things go to shit or I get bored, I do go samurai). Also stand offs are great because if you upgrade that enough you can kill three people in one go in a stand off. Between a triple stand off kill and a triple stealth kill I'm slowly finding myself in less and less drawn out battles.
  6. I am absolutely down to replay SMT III: Nocturne. I got to the true final boss but never grinded out the experience to finally beat him all those years ago. This is as good an excuse as any to pick things up 15 years later. Great game, will look gorgeous if done right in HD (as it seems). I wish it were on PC though.
  7. They now have 13 studios working under them (essentially equal to Sony's 14 studios) so I'm very excited to see what all that talent has been working on. They snapped up some good studios these last few years.
  8. Khotun Khan (cousin of Kublai Khan) is played by Patrick Gallagher, who you've all seen in at least something. He's pretty great in most roles, and I'm enjoying his understated, intellectual turn here (so far, I'll need to see more). https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0302466/?ref_=tt_cl_t4 His likeness is used for the character in game.
  9. I am loving this game so far - about 5-6 hours in. The combat opens up a lot as times goes on, and the ninja/ghost aspect isn't janky, as of yet. The targeting can sometimes be wonky when you are surrounded by multiple enemies, but for the most part the combat is fast, fluid, and feels like an approximation of real samurai combat (in terms of weightiness and timing) and it's very easy to get pummeled by loads of enemies if one isn't careful. Fought two major bosses so far, the health bar was intimidating but once you master dodging, parrying, etc. it didn't take too long to take them down. Playing on the hardest difficulty, but it's still early days. The setting and atmosphere alone, along with the graphics and music, make the game feel special regardless of some of the more rote open-world design. I will say that everything being in game (follow foxes, birds, the wind, etc.) is great, it's just a shame that they put "undiscovered location" question marks on your map, which sort of undermines discovering the animals and following them, but whatever makes my life easier I guess. It's not like the game pings items in any area at least, so you still gotta search and explore for supplies and scrolls, etc. Also, I love how samurai and Japanese the game is in its gameplay. Inari shrines, golden birds, fox dens, haikus (there are fucking haiku gameplay sections!), flute playing with different song options, historic scrolls to give us legit background on both the Japanese and Mongol cultures, genuinely wrestling with the samurai code of bushido by becoming more of what samurai considered scum, the ninja, as Jin Sakai has to emply guerrilla tactics to win this war. Don't forget, playing the flute changes the in-game weather as well!
  10. People didn't like Guerrilla Games and their Killzone games but then Horizon Zero Dawn happened, so you never know.
  11. You are right about the user response, but critics overall (barring the strange ones like Vice or Polygon) have unanimously praised the game despite the option they had to cow tow to users. It has one of the highest critical video game ratings on metacritic, so I think at least reviewers understand the depth, etc. of the game that you're pointing out, for the most part. The common, average person? Don't ever expect anything out of them.
  12. It means he has poor taste is all. Obviously he can do what he wants.
  13. I had the exact same thought. He's a rich man, what the fuck is going on there? At least hire an interior decorator if you don't know what you're doing. Are those from the 80's? Is he at his mom's house?
  14. I have to admit when I built my rig a few years ago and got it all working I felt like I had fucked the computer. It was an experience.
  15. There's no question I'm playing this in color, and in English (unless they somehow fix the lip flaps, since I originally wanted to play this in Japanese).
  16. I'm a completionist who prefers playing series in production order, so I get the instinct to play the originals first. I recommend you do. I never played Ascension, but I did play the main three games and the two spin-off games for handhelds (except I played the PS3 HD versions) and all 5 games were great. Definitely play the main three before the PS4 God of War, and if you're digging the series, play the two spin-off games if PSNow has them (they can otherwise be skipped). Have no idea about Ascension, no one's ever really liked it much but it is a hole in my game playing. As others have said, the PS4 game has by far the most depth in terms of characterization and story, but the old games are fun and do deepen the fourth game if you've experienced them. Just know that the old games are very dudebro Greece; 300 movie-style feel and vibe. It works though in being fun and over the top.
  17. I take this story seriously, but at the same time, his direction of Gotti was pretty much an assault on the audience.
  18. It's really good! The mood, ambiance, and atmosphere alone are stellar. It was on a lot of game of the year lists last year cause it is that good, I think. I definitely recommend it if you haven't played it.
  19. I can agree with this. I didn't think it was stellar on hard in terms of enemy AI (the game was never hard, especially compared to the likes of truly hard games like Cuphead or Dark Souls) but it was good enough, is where I land I think.
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